well, I have been through this a dozen times here.
my own righteousness CAN NOT earn eternal salvation.
I am saved by grace through faith, and that is a gift of God, not of works, so I can't boast.
now, with that settled, I just need to work at becoming more like the Messiah.
yes, work. study, prayer, conforming my thoughts, controlling my words and actions,... it takes effort.
Not work so I can help out with my salvation - that is already paid for.
Now, I have a real problem with easy-believism, where I repeat a "sinner's prayer" and "poof", I am working like the apostle Sha-ul.
Don't happen that way chief.
what is the messiah like mike? what does He tell us to do? you have to see the grace that is in His teachings to understand the difference between law, and Grace. which is the difference between self righteousness and Christs through Faith. you are right in saying we need to work HARD with all we have inside to be like Jesus. but remember what hes teaching us. forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give and it will be given to you. care for the needy among you. seek first his kingdom and righteousness. Jesus taught a whole new thing, with the foundation of the Law of moses. Judaism ended with the coming of Jesus and the Kingdom of God began. Christianity.
to be like jesus, we turn the other cheek, we lend to those who ask to borrow, we are the good Samaritan going above and beyond oif another is in need, we comfort, but there is Grace in this obedience, in obeying what Jesus teaches, we have forgiveness when we fall, and we will, and do stumble, so we obey His command forgive and you will be forgiven, show mercy to others who treat you wrong, bless the ones who curse you and say evil things against you...ect. none of these things are found in the mosaic law. yet, "Love your neighbor as yourself" is, in the mosaic Law.
Jesus is teaching humans how to Love one another His way, in holiness we aren't trying like you say to earn salvation, we are learning to be like Jesus which is where the title "children of God" comes from. we aren't perfect but we make all our effort, all our hop[e and faith on and in and through Jesus, to know Him more and more. if anyone is doing that at any stage, their salvation is not in question, it is the confession "Lord" that needs sincerity, and then the work begins of conformity that sinners pray though is important place to begin...until we confess that we are sinners and confess Jesus is our Lord, we can never accept obedience to Him. a process for certain, I think I understand and agree, I were saved in order to obey, not because of, but by the blood of Jesus Christ we are bound to Him as Lord, which means we give Him our life.