You are correct but that guy rejects scripture left and right.
I have a hard time thinking he is anything other than a troll to call a father saving his daughter from the suffering of rape, a war monger.
Definitely not someone who understands what love is. Let alone what loving your enemy is.
I have a hard time thinking he is anything other than a troll to call a father saving his daughter from the suffering of rape, a war monger.
Definitely not someone who understands what love is. Let alone what loving your enemy is.
From what I remember of the bible it says a man that doesn't defend his home and family is the worst kind of human. And that is absolutely right.
I said in another post to them that I don't think they expect people to take them seriously with all the bunk they say and defend here.
I use to work with an atheist. We knew he was one because he'd tell that to anyone who would give him a moment of attention.
For sick kicks he'd get a buzz on drinking screwdrivers for breakfast so there was no obvious alcohol smell coming off him. Then he'd choose a different church every Sunday to go to and fake sincerity in wanting to have a come to Jesus encounter with anyone there who would pay him that kind of attention.
When he ran out of local churches he'd travel to the towns nearby. He loved that some of those poor unsuspecting God hearted souls would give him money to get him by. Tithes for his drinking kitty, he called it.
One Sunday I'm of a mind that he got a little too excited about his next church visit. My guess is he drank a little more than he thought would mess him up before he could get into a nice comfy pew and nod off behind his shades during the sermon, as usual.
It started to rain, police said his tires were not so good on the front, one blew and sent him fishtailing sideways down the road. When it all stopped he'd wrapped the driver side around an ancient oak on a really deep curve. Turns out, when we looked it up on the maps finder on Google, he was just blocks from a church. My guess is that was where he was headed.
All that trouble, all that contempt, all that disrespect and never taking those good Christians at the churches seriously so as to let anything sink in. After all that he still died as an atheist.
Something he would never know though was that his accident and obit was in the local paper. We checked around at the time and found that all the people that were there attending the graveside service , more than the friends we knew he had, because his family were dead, were those parishioners from all those churches he had visited and just to mess with them.
That was a very powerful thing to realize on that day we buried our work buddy. And he'd never know that for all the contempt he showed and felt for those good people, in the end they showed love for him. Even when he wasn't there to receive it.
I haven't thought about the man in years until the idiot that plays the same kind of games here. Those were the last words I said to that work buddy too. Friday at clock out he's giddy he's going to another church a few counties over to play his games. Make a little tax free cash. I turned to go to my car and said to him as he turned toward his, you know what God calls the *#$Y()% that games people in a church? Idiot!
I actually don't regret that. He was one. He died without a drop of remorse for what he had done for months on those Sundays he looked so forward to.
Maybe every town has an idiot like that. Some buy computers because they maybe ran out of churches to harass.
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