4 If I fail to obey the law, the Lord will not impute it to me as sin—Romans 4:8. Now I cannot sin because I am not under the law, am dead to the law, and am delivered from the law—and sin is the transgression of the law. Because where the law does not apply, there is no transgression. Romans 4:15, 5:13.
For unto the time of the Law was sin in the world
(Romans 5:13, 1599 GNV)
the presence of a law that condemns sin is not what the fact of sin depends on. sin was in the world long before the Law, and even if the Law passes away, sin is still present. this verse absolutely does not say that we 'cannot sin' just because we are no longer under the Law.adultery is still adultery, idolatry is still idolatry. we are saved from the penalty of it, but that doesn't mean it isn't sin anymore.
or where no Law is, there is no transgression.
(Romans 4:15, 1599 GNV)
this does not say there is no sin. this says there is not transgression if there is no law.sin & transgression are different things.
if i have a sign that says, keep off the flowerbed, and you trample my petunias, you are guilty of transgression. i had set forth a law.
if i have no sign, but you trample my petunias, you are guilty of sin -- even tho there is no law, you have sinned against me.
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