I hope I did not offend anyone. It was not my intention. I learnt a lot today and I believe we have a long way to go.
Ironic how this is the year 2020 and still people have many misconceptions of who their God in human form was. If we take Josephus word for it, with Isaiah's description, The WORD made flesh was short, hunchback, black skinned, long faced with an even bigger nose, and to top it all off, He had one uni-eyebrow!
Of course, in Heaven, in His natural God Form, He will be as Light and Bright as the sunshine itself.
But your thread is a great reminder of why God was not a respecter of persons. And we are to love everyone like they are our Brother/Sister.
About a year ago, Science constructed this image who they claim was Jesus:
I say make the eyebrow one uni-brow, stand Him in the sunshine for a few days, and who knows!