I respond quite often to Walter and Debbie's OPs, while many do not, ever... and almost always, I am
posting one of my Scripture panels, or more, depending on how many relate to the topic at hand and
the posts others may contribute. Hopefully Walter and Debbie will not mind us taking a light-hearted
attitude and having some fun the panels I create for sharing with my brothers and sister in Christ .
posting one of my Scripture panels, or more, depending on how many relate to the topic at hand and
the posts others may contribute. Hopefully Walter and Debbie will not mind us taking a light-hearted
attitude and having some fun the panels I create for sharing with my brothers and sister in Christ .
basically the perfect type of posts for this forum , they are also welcoming and friendly hosts to anyone who participates , never are involved in tbe silliness and arguing like some of us , they present mature and gentle responses even to those who don’t do the same towards them and usually always avoid arguing at all cost even when provoked
These are the type of threads that would lead to a lot of decent discussion about biblical topics within the thread itself because they always start with the word being presented and offer it in a way that promotes discussion without force feeding their interpretation inviting others thoughts ect
What I’m saying is I’m always hoping that more people would actually participate because it would often lead to a good discussion on several fronts for several people if we recognized good discussion leaders like Walter and Debbie just my unwarranted opinion this place could be such a blessing to a lot of folks and many more would come if we did it right instead of dropping napalm and mortar shelling each other lol
p.s. And we appreciate your talent and willingness to share it !!! Always a joy I always end up in a study after reading some of you guys here
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