Since it's been awhile, perhaps someone new visiting this topic may know of examples.
Examples and foundations as purposes differ. They can lead to different goals . One can satisfy the need of the flesh and other the unseen Spirit. by faith we can seperate the things of God from those of men .he gives us those tools so we can rightfully divide. So that we can hear what he says to the churches giving us his understanding from with our hidden treasure .
What's the purpose of the parable? What does three represent? etc.
Depending on the foundation and end goal . . like for instance. What is meant by the "heart of the earth".? Is it in reference to being corrupted as in pains to be changed into the incorruptible?
There are many things to consider if we are to find the mysteries hid in that parable . Using Jonas as a comparison to find the gospel understanding. The last sign and wonder which was fulfilled in the Son of man.. .
Seeing the three days and nights were not underground or even in the breathable tomb there must be other parts of the one demonstration. Like the cross remnant of that three day demonstration or the opening in the garden Gethsemane when he began to feel the wrath of the father unto death (not dead never to rise) performed alone with the Son and the father the work of one. . How does that affect the other two parts as one work of one faith ? ETC .
From my experience I would say the dividing wall is in how men interpret the word "hell'. Some would use it a false tool of some sort of boast that they had good wisdom and made the wise choice condemning other who did not hold to the same opinion. Like if you do not obey you will go to hell and never get out. A wile of devil the accuser of the brethren. .
Christians yoked with Christ have a lighter load of hell a living sufferings.
Once the word hell is defined properly then the rest of the doctrine falls into place. Then the turning thing right-side up inspired from heaven can do its work . . . .not after the oral traditions of mankind.
Some say its a living work mankind performs after we take our last breath. We suffer with Christ today If we mix faith in the things seen and heard.
But the bible teaches us that along with the temporal flesh subject to the letter of the law death, it returns to the lifeless faithless dust and the same letter of the law exposes the temporal spirit subject to the letter returns to father who gave it as law.
The letter of the law death will be cast into the judgment of God never to rise and condom to death through corruption ever again .
Why a person would desire another suffer for ever and ever? That's a mystery not know .At least not of myself.
Ecclesiastes 12:7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.