your humanistic explanation of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit is lacking one very important thing. The word of God.
The Church does not need an opinion from the science world to validate the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
There are millions of testimonies certified healings, miracles, and millions of lives changed by the Gospel message.
The Church doesn't need a carnal-minded person(s) to try and explain Spiritual truth.
That is why one does see the connection of those carried along by the Holy Spirit known as Inspiration God-breathed as holy men of old wrote. They did not write of their own but were helped by the Holy Spirit.
The same Holy Spirit does that every day in the believer IF they are seeking God. The inspiration is not to add to the Word of God it is NOW as 1cor chapter 12 through 14 states.
the tongues and interpretation of them = prophecy as 1cor 14 says yet it is not in the context of the authoritative word of God it is for :
Edification, comfort, exhortation, and confirmation. I person who speaks in tongues should pray that they interpret what 1cor 14 says, and speak forth what is given by the inspiration as the Holy Spirit leads.
when in use of this gift I can speak under my breath pray and ask God to give me the interpretation and speak out loud in the language I know and is the language of my home church in CA. I can do this and no one would ever hear me speak in tongues at all.
This is the maturity with the gift and can be developed. After I speak what is a word of encouragement, comfort, or exhortation, it is to BE JUDGED BY THE WORD OF GOD and confirm to someone there what is said.
The Holy Spirit doesn't make me do it, I don't have to interrupt the Pastor of the sermon, and when I visit a church other than my own
and I since the Holy Spirit prompting me to speak I go to the Pastor and tell him what I am sensing from the Holy Spirt.
I have had baptist, COGIC, and many other denominations tell me to go ahead, not yet, and no. I did not get up and leave yell out "you are grieving the Holy Spirit" and make a big sense.
many Pentecostals are in error and unlearned and think they fully know the gifts of the Holy Spirit, just like
cessationism they are wrong. The message that is to be given must be a confirmation, meaning in a church the Pastor is and should already know and the person(s) whom the Holy Spirit is trying to help, edify, comfort, and build up. Why?
Well, the Pastor knows His flock and he knows who is sick, who has personal issues most of the time. FYI Pastors do work other days in addition to Sunday.
The Lord showed me a specific issue with someone who was sick, I did not know who that person was but I asked the Pastor if there was a person suffering from this issue. And he knew immediately who it was and I asked if I can pray for them because I believe God wants to heal her. God showed me it was a woman. he told me not yet and he would call me at the right time. I sat down and waited for the pastor to call me.
God did what he does I did what I believe God wanted me to do and the pastor did what he believed was best for his flock.
No issues nothing out of order God got the glory and we moved on.