Before graduating from Bible college, I learned of a teacher that some teaching on campus were learning from.
I decided to begin ordering audio tapes of Bible lessons after having graduated.
Then it happened. The tapes came in the mail.
Stunned, I realized after hearing my first lesson, that I just learned more in one hour than I had in three years of Bible college.
Yet, I needed that college training to develop my capacity to understand what I was going to be taught...
Now... Here's how expensive it was for me to listen to hours a day of teaching.
There is no charge for any material from R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries. Anyone who desires Bible teaching
can receive our publications and audio and video recordings without obligation. God provides Bible doctrine.
We wish to reflect His grace.
R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries is a grace ministry and operates entirely on voluntary contributions. There is
no price list for books or recordings. No money is requested. When gratitude for the Word of God motivates a
believer to give, he has the privilege of contributing to the dissemination of Bible doctrine.
Over time, I tapered off to not as much concentrated study.
And, I might add.
Because of the intense desire of many, this pastor taught six nights a week
from the King James, and the Hebrew and Greek texts.
No money was ever asked for.