The problem with fallen man is that he has lost the ability to turn to God. He still is at liberty to choose either good or evil. However, since he has lost his ability to choose good – he can only choose evil.
It is the work of the HS to restore his ability and draw him to God. This is GRACE!
Gen 6:5 The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Excellent post! And here's a great text that proves this is the case! Man has indeed lost his ability to turn to God, which means he
CANNOT turn from evil! And he cannot because unregenerate humans being darkness themselves (Eph 5:8)
love the darkness which why they won't come to the Light (Jn 3:19). IOW, the sons of men love themselves too much to come to God! Didn't Satan love himself above his Creator when he fell which accounts for his pride? He loved his beauty and glory above all else that God had bestowed upon him. And so it is with all the devil's seed! The following passage tells us why the sons of men have "lost the ability to turn to God", as BillyBob has said:
Prov 14:27
27 The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life,
turning a man from the snares of death.
IOW, turning a man away
from sin/evil which is the cause of death! In fact, the godly disposition of the "fear of the Lord" within a person's heart causes godly men to
shun evil (Job 1:8; Prov 14:16)! And to shun evil -- to turn
from evil -- is precisely to turn
to God! It is to turn to the ONLY ONE who is GOOD (Mk 10:18)! It is to turn to the One who is filled with all Goodness -- Great Goodness (Neh 9:25, 35; Ps 31:19; 145:7, etc.)!
But no unregenerate man comes into this world fearing God. Paul makes this abundantly clear in his universal indictment of mankind (Rom 318) in which he sums up his indictment by saying "There is no fear of God in their eyes". But this is a crucial spiritual component to turning to God (repentance)! NO ONE CAN REPENT (or believe!) UNLESS THEY HAVE THE FEAR OF THE LORD WITHIN THEM! So how does anyone repent? By God sovereignly, graciously and mercifully instilling the
fear of himself into his elect which he promised to do under the New Covenant (Jer 32:40), so that his NC people would never turn
from him! This doubtlessly is linked inextricably to another NC promise wherein God promises his covenant people to give them a new heart and put a new spirit within them (Ezek 36:26).
Therefore, the "fear of the Lord" is a prerequisite to turning TO God and also prevents his people from ever turning away FROM Him after they have turned to Him! These truths are stellar examples of God
proactively loving his elect to save them and keep them!