We differ in that you believe Adam was Holy Spirit filled, which upon sinning was removed, while I believe
Adam was of the natural world, and would have been required to eat from the Tree of Life in order to have
the Holy Spirit indwelling him, just as we do. Of course Scripture does not say either way...
PS ~~ peccability .
James 1:14-15; 1 John 2:16 Each one is tempted when by his own evil desires he is lured away and enticed. Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. For all that is in the world- the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of life- is not from the Father but from the world. .
Yes, I do believe Adam was indwelt by the Holy Spirit for five reasons. The first is Gen 2:7 which talks about the "breath of life" being breathed into Adam and he became a "living soul" - or some translations read "living creature" or "living being", cf. also 1Cor 15:45. We could interpret that as merely meaning that Adam became physically alive. But I see that as referring to more than just physical life because the question that should be asked: Is how could Adam have died spiritually when he sinned if he didn't have, prior to the Fall, antecedent life within his soul? Death always logically presupposes antecedent life; for only the living can die.
Secondly, we know that spiritual death denotes separation from God, as most Christians would express it. But I think the more accurate description is that
spiritual death is the separation from the life of God, from the Author of Life, from Spiritual Life itself. And the Holy Spirit bears the "title" Spirit of Life (Rom 8:2). And we further know from scripture that the Holy Spirit in the OT was given to select people
conditionally and that the Spirit could be removed due to one's disobedience, with Saul and Sampson being good examples.
Thirdly, the removal of the Spirit from Adam would also provide more than adequate explanation for how God's image became so badly marred in all of Adam's progeny, since none of us came into this world born alive unto God. All Adam's progeny have come into this world dead to God -- separated from his Life.
And the only spiritual remedy for this is to be reborn from above by the Spirit of Life! Therefore, I have to think that God's image in Adam would have also been deeply marred if he had not been gifted with the Spirit of Life when he was created. But how could this be, since God considered all creation to be "very good", which would have included Adam who was the crowning achievement of God.
And the point made immediately above brings me to this one: Could Adam, as a free moral agent made in God's image and likeness, been considered "very good" apart from being
united to the life of the Ultimate Good in the universe? In other words, what made this particular and unique image-bearer "very good" was the "breath of life" within his soul -- the "same breath of life" who imparted the Creator's very image unto Adam's soul
Finally, the only two alternatives to my position seem to be biblically untenable. If Adam wasn't created with spiritual life within, then was he created "dead unto God"? I suspect most Christians would not subscribe to that position, especially since death is antithetical to all that God is! If not, then, was Adam created morally/spiritually neutral? But is there any such thing even remotely hinted at in the bible? As moral beings, as free moral agents and God's image-bearers, we're either good or evil. The bible speaks to no third option of which I'm aware.
As far as the "tree of life" is concerned, I don't think we should take that tree literally. It's a symbol as much as the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" was! There was nothing magical in the fruit of this latter tree that actually imparted this knowledge when our first parents ate from it. What gave A&E this knowledge was their lack of trust in God and their subsequent disobedience to Him. Likewise, the "tree of life" symbolized spiritual life and was put into the Garden to teach A&E and all of Adam's progeny that spiritual life was not for the taking by the will of the sons of men but rather is a sacred, holy, eternal and inestimable gift given by God at his discretion. In other words, spiritual life is as much a gift from God as physical life is. And the proof of what I've just said is in the eating (a bad pun intended

). Since God implicitly reconciled Eve unto himself when he placed enmity between her and the Serpent, then this also implies that God granted her life by his very decree. If we agree that God saved Eve then we cannot believe that He left Eve in the spiritual state of death. We mustn't forget that God is not the God of the dead but only of the living (Mat 22:32)! Yet, Eve left the Garden with Adam when
God drove HIM out! And there is no record that Eve took from the "tree of life".
P.S. peccable