What do you mean by "the old covenant is what is in view in Revelation"?
I would say that the death and resurrection of Jesus brought the Old covenant to an end.
No, it is not still in effect.
The death and resurrection of Jesus in history demonstrates that the Old covenant has been concluded. And the giving of the zholy Spirit to Gentile believers.
"Will not prevail" is future tense.
The church has the ability to hasten the coming of the day of the Lord or to delay it, depending on how quickly we complete the great commission. The mystery of lawlessness at work in the church, is working to delay our completion of the great commission and so to delay Christ's return and the destruction of the kingdom of darkness. So, by hindering the church, satan is able to hinder Jesus' return.
I would say that the death and resurrection of Jesus brought the Old covenant to an end.
No, it is not still in effect.
The death and resurrection of Jesus in history demonstrates that the Old covenant has been concluded. And the giving of the zholy Spirit to Gentile believers.
"Will not prevail" is future tense.
The church has the ability to hasten the coming of the day of the Lord or to delay it, depending on how quickly we complete the great commission. The mystery of lawlessness at work in the church, is working to delay our completion of the great commission and so to delay Christ's return and the destruction of the kingdom of darkness. So, by hindering the church, satan is able to hinder Jesus' return.
While the Old Covenant did become obsolete at the Cross, as the torn curtain between the holy place and holy of holies from top to bottom upon Jesus' death symbolized, nonetheless there was still one physical, temporal vestige of the OC that needed to be forever obliterated in order to consummate the OC's obsolescence.
Heb 8:13
13 By calling this covenant "new," he has made the first one obsolete ; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear.
What "will soon disappear" was the heartbeat and centerpiece of the OC economy: THE TEMPLE along with the priesthood, animal sacrifices, rituals, etc.! And the temple was still standing when John penned Revelation! Revelation was written during Nero's reign, not Domitian's!