There are untold numbers of those that mocked the unvaccinated, got the lethal injection, and died.
Even this unrepentant homosexual who did just that, I wouldn’t think of mocking and joking about his death.
Probably just an “I’m sorry, that was out of line and inappropriate” would be your best bet. Not rationalization:
Jason Maurer: 45-year-old Ohio bartender tells world “shut up and get your vaccine,” dead five weeks after second Moderna mRNA shot
Even this unrepentant homosexual who did just that, I wouldn’t think of mocking and joking about his death.
Probably just an “I’m sorry, that was out of line and inappropriate” would be your best bet. Not rationalization:
Jason Maurer: 45-year-old Ohio bartender tells world “shut up and get your vaccine,” dead five weeks after second Moderna mRNA shot
I didn't realized how many other subjects like this are on these Christian forums. I just happened onto this thread and thought I'd join in and have the fellowship with other Christians and share my frustration of watching our country go down the toilet under this biden corrupt administration.... But instead find out these so called "Christians" would turn in their brothers and sisters IN CHRIST to the government entities and think they are free of any wrong doing!
It's pathetic to read those who profess to be "CHRISTIANS" fighting for the evil governments in this world who support killing the unborn and will willingly demolish the Constitution. They EVEN trust CNN one of the most obvious corrupt news programs out there. Blindness seeded unto blindness.
There is NO discussion with these idiots on this thread who say they are Christians yet they are in support of DESPOT government officials. Seedtime whatever her name is has NO issue with herself or her evil corrupt CHOICE to turn in other Christians for not getting vaccinated!!!. THAT is so telling there is NO more discussion with her or those here who agree whole heartedly with her. They are either unsaved or so far gone they are NOT safe to socialize with.
Thank you PennEd for posting information. You have a lot more patience than I do. I learn a lot from your posts and the other Christians here who support God and freedom. THAT is the ONLY good thing about the thread this seedtime woman started.
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