I chose "other".
I think it's pretty unfair for folks to guilt or accuse someone of harming others by not getting the vaccine. Such guilt-tripping assumes that "Vaccines = immunity" when no vaccine - in the history of vaccines - has ever created immunity. Vaccines are the "Paul Revere" of biology, warning your body of a possible threat. It's then
the body's job (specifically the immune system's) to build up defenses with that information. This is high school biology. So one's immunity is and has always been the responsibility of the body, and is subject to the strength of the immune system.
This means two things:
1) There is no such thing as "breakthrough cases", it simply means the person's immune system didn't do its job when presented with the early warning information. So no matter how many shots one takes, that won't guarantee one's immunity against the virus.
2) There are those whose immune systems are so strong they don't need vaccination in order to build immunity (i.e. antibodies) against the virus.
What's also unfair is those accusing and blaming assume the person is not taking any other preventative measures; that the only salvation is vaccination. So in essence, folks have created a religion out of vaccination. "
Accept the vaccine into your body and you will be saved".
On the other hand, I don't think taking the vaccine is showing a lack of faith, especially if one is in a situation that requires it be taken and that they're not doing so out of fear but out of necessity (to remain employed, etc. etc.). As far as I'm concerned, we're already much further along in this end-times drama. I believe the mark of the beast isn't a physical mark but a spiritual one where people put their trust in the world's system, instead of faith in the Almighty and the Messiah. I think we've all been born into the Beast system and are tasked with waking up (almost like the movie The Matrix).
Personally, I haven't taken the Covid vaccine or flu vaccines for decades. But I wear my mask, social distance, and have long since maintained healthy cleaning habits (due to having a mother with a bit of OCD lol), along with eating right, avoiding unhealthy substances, exercising, and getting enough sleep, all to keep my immune system strong.
In terms of conspiracy; if anything, the conspiracy is one of fleecing the people out of more money. Big Pharma made obscene profits this past year while many economies floundered. How?
1) We made a test that tested for covid antibodies. So if a person had an abundance of antibodies they tested "positive" for covid. Well, wait a sec...

...Aren't the presence of antibodies evidence that the immune system is defending against the virus? Isn't that what vaccines hope to encourage? Why weren't those who were labeled "asymptomatic" simply called "immune"?
2) Instead of gathering blood samples from all of the "asymptomatic" individuals, separating out their plasma to mass-produce an antibody serum, like we used to do, we give no-bid contracts (i.e. advance payments) to companies to develop a
"new" product - using
"new" technology

- to try to solve the problem. And typically, when offering new products with new technology, businesses can charge
top dollar to sell them (but make sure everyone signs a waiver acknowledging they can't guarantee it helps or even that it won't harm = no lawsuits).
3) Meanwhile, prior to distributing these new products, when
100% of the nation was unvaccinated we were flattening the curve. Cases were at an all-time low at the beginning of this year. However, when the new product was ready ALL other preventative measures were ended. So now, with
50% of the nation vaccinated, cases are at an all-time high. And yet there's a marketing campaign to blame the unvaccinated for the rise, even though both the vaccinated and unvaccinated are contracting symptoms and being hospitalized.
4) Now they're talking about "booster shots" because of "breakthrough cases" and even "newer" strains.