Good! If man does not need to solve it, and all I have to do is read the Bible to understand it, and having read the Bible come to belive in Jesus from the Catholic viewpoint, then bam! done! Catholics do not believe you can work your way into heaven. Only you and people who think as you say we believe that.
The Catholic Church does not teach that works save you. The Catholic Church teaches that faith saves you. She believes that if you have faith then you will also do things, actions if you will, that are essentially fruits of your belief. You will know a tree by the fruit it bears. This means that we believe, that if a person has faith - by which alone they may be saved - then they will do things, like live a Christian lifestyle, pray, worship God, keep holy the Sabbath, conform their lives to a Christian lifestyle. This also means they will not cheat, steal, lie, slander, act out of harted, etc. The lifestyle that a Christian leads is the fruit of their tree, so to speak. This is how "Faith without works is dead" applies to the Catholic understanding of salvation. It means you can't have faith and fail to live as a Christain ought to and expect everything to be just peachy. It means you can't be an apple tree that bears rotten apples and expect the farmer not to cut you down for being a bad tree. The faith saves you, the works (Christian living) are the fruit of a healthy tree. The fruit in and of itself means nothing without the faith. Living a good, moral lifestyle and being a peaceful little heathen means nothing because there is no faith in Jesus Christ. So no, works never save you, for even a pagan can do good works. The Catholic Church believes faith saves you, and faith will produce a desire to do good works: faith will make the tree want to produce good fruit, and a tree that does not produce good fruit is a dead tree. That is the point.
The Catholic Church does not teach that works save you. The Catholic Church teaches that faith saves you. She believes that if you have faith then you will also do things, actions if you will, that are essentially fruits of your belief. You will know a tree by the fruit it bears. This means that we believe, that if a person has faith - by which alone they may be saved - then they will do things, like live a Christian lifestyle, pray, worship God, keep holy the Sabbath, conform their lives to a Christian lifestyle. This also means they will not cheat, steal, lie, slander, act out of harted, etc. The lifestyle that a Christian leads is the fruit of their tree, so to speak. This is how "Faith without works is dead" applies to the Catholic understanding of salvation. It means you can't have faith and fail to live as a Christain ought to and expect everything to be just peachy. It means you can't be an apple tree that bears rotten apples and expect the farmer not to cut you down for being a bad tree. The faith saves you, the works (Christian living) are the fruit of a healthy tree. The fruit in and of itself means nothing without the faith. Living a good, moral lifestyle and being a peaceful little heathen means nothing because there is no faith in Jesus Christ. So no, works never save you, for even a pagan can do good works. The Catholic Church believes faith saves you, and faith will produce a desire to do good works: faith will make the tree want to produce good fruit, and a tree that does not produce good fruit is a dead tree. That is the point.