Peace be with you, the ones who say he is a false Apostle, is proven to be a false believer who ignorantly speak against the Holy Bible and against the inspirer of all its written document compiled together and made it into 'the book', the HOLY SPIRIT, the very SPIRIT of the Living GOD.
As it is written, Saul was struct down by great white light, while on his way to Damascus, to further his quest to persecute more Christians, reported to be practicing and growing there. JESUS who adopted us, we who were ones Gentiles, personally appeared to HIS true children of Israel to prepare them to continue to establish the church and to complete GOD's New Covenant for the church. As Saul is one of them who was struck blind by JESUS Himself and personally instructed Saul to journey on to a given place. Saul did not question but obeyed and waited in fasting for further instructions. Then the LORD spoke to a believer in Damascus named Ananias who was afraid of Saul the persecutor, to first understand Saul has been chosen to minister to the scattered Jews and Gentiles, Second, how he must suffer for the message of CHRIST's name sake.
As it is in compiled documentation in the Holy Bible that Apostle Paul's Letters out number the letters of Apostle Peter the Rock the spoken foundation where CHRIST will build HIS church on. Why?
Because the Jews who remain in Jerusalem have a head start because they have remained with the Law of Moses and the Old Covenant. On the other side away from the government of Jerusalem, treated as outsiders, foreigners from their common faith and wealth, consist of scattered Jews and Gentiles. Who need the attention most, that upon Salvation they have come in into the common faith and wealth of Israel, as adopted ones, further need to be build and edified in order to continue in all of them and to bring all as a church into one order, rooted to that one Foundational Teachings of the Gospel of CHRIST, given from the Living GOD by HIS SON?
In other words, the Gentile Church has been given more emphasis and instructions in order to instruct them to come out of their former dog nature, as witnessed by the Apostles themselves in the church and in reports, since many Gentiles were turning to the Salvation of GOD each day.
All the documentations in the Holy Bible which has been inspired and compiled for us in order to be taught and to understand the governing Kingdom of GOD in the midst of all mankind. They conforms our faith from within us as we abide in them all, so much as to manifest as the one body of CHRIST to a perishing world.
Due to pride and misunderstanding of Grace and Truth of CHRIST and the HOLY SPIRIT and the facts in the Holy Bible, there are division among the Body of CHRIST. That is why even in this forum Heaven is witnessing division of faith, by the things of outsiders that one brings into this forum, to highlight and discuss them on and on again and also the thread subjects one post that causes debates and a chain reaction of disputes.
Judge for yourself all you acting heads as leaders big or small, most important or least important, to a family or a group or a church?
1. Biblically are all of this forbidden nature of mankind, happening again till today, were not tolerated then, is it tolerated now by the Living GOD because of HIS Grace and truth through HIS SON, JESUS?
2. Are these not an act of Abomination to the eyes of the Living LORD for our GOD, who is still the Head of the church, who is coming back for all mankind of faith to give an account of their labor?
3. Were all of them HIS lambs and sheeps, strictly and strongly founded on the foundation of the sound doctrine of the Holy Bible?
4. Have the chosen acting heads laid down their positions and lives and dignity, by speaking all that is written in the Holy Bible, as a Living Testimony to all, also with its risks, whether they are consist of good news or bad news, whether they are consist of hurting news or healing news from the Living GOD to HIS people?
5. Compromise, in not telling and highlighting and teaching all the written and given facts, fail to speak as acting heads in concern for the well being of GOD's church?
6. Compromise, just because one might have thought that one knows better what is the practice of true love onto others, that is okay to hold that which is harmful news of GOD to others that might offend them?
7. Compromise, in continuing still, in only speaking the Good News of what is the sealed promise of GOD to all believers which automatically and historically an added thing of GOD that all believers should already know as their GOD given initial faith?
8. Compromise, by allowing the pattern of this world to move freely to flow among the community?
Just imagine the perishing and the lost of GOD's lambs and sheeps, due to malnutrition and failing to feed at the proper time, the Living Word of spirit and life given for all of them. As it is written that, GOD's concern is not for the leaders but HIS concern is for all HIS lambs and sheeps, whom HE purchased by the shed blood of HIS only begotten SON.