The "2nd soil" "believer" hasn't come to Christ yet.
He heard the gospel and was happy because of it.
But when it came time to proving his faith and seeing it work he fell away.
He heard the gospel and was happy because of it.
But when it came time to proving his faith and seeing it work he fell away.
Also, in John 8:31-59, where the Jews who were said to have "believed in him" turn out to be slaves to sin, indifferent to the words of Jesus’, children of the devil, liars, accused Jesus of having a demon and were guilty of setting out to stone and kill the one they have professed to believe in. *So we can see at best, these Jews believed in Him (based on their own misconceptions and expectations) of Jesus, yet upon gaining further knowledge about Jesus through His words, we see they did not truly believe in Him unto salvation.
Some people may actually start out believing in Jesus (as they would believe in a politician, based on their own misconceptions, expectations and limited understanding) then later find out that Jesus does not line up with their original expectations.
In John chapter 6, we see that many of Jesus' so called disciples complained and were offended (verses 60-61) about what Jesus said in verses 51-59. These are the very so called "disciples" who Jesus says "do not believe" (John 6:64). They also walked with Him no more. So apparently, these alleged disciples of Jesus they set out to be learners and followers of Him (based on their own misconceptions and expectations) of Jesus, then as soon as Jesus said something that was hard for them to understand and did not line up with their expectations, they left Him.
Furthermore, the same Greek word for believe "pisteuo" is used in James 2:19, in which we read that the demons believe "pisteuo" mental assent that "there is one God," but they do not believe "pisteuo" on the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 16:31) and are not saved.
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