to this I say AMEN! I agree in JESUS name. We need to know our authority in Christ Jesus. Can't be Gods wrath for it touches the righteous. To not know this.. its written. If two shall agree...
Backup..can Christ lie? Yet we give every reason as to why this is not happening today.. in my name.. these signs shall follow them that believe.. cast out demons.. speak with new tongues.. shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
So.. as Chan said once.. your on some Island.. you see this book "BIBLE" you never seen it before.. now read it! Christ can not lie.. He not me.. HE said who so ever believes! These signs SHALL follow them that believe. Do you KNOW He is real or not? Do you? Do you really have faith in Him? Get up now.. go sit somewhere else. Did you have any doubts that what you sat on would not hold you? No.. you never gave it a thought.
He already spoke it.. and yet it did not come from Christ.. what Christ said.. was the FATHERS words! He said.. if you DOUBT let not that man think he will get anything from God. So.. sit and think.. God.. really hears me.. and what He said .. He will do! You just have to be a child.. and believe. Take your eyes off all the things around you.. see you look around and.. you see so much doubt. Yet look at Peter.. NEVER take your eyes of JESUS! No matter what happens around you.,. no matter how dark it gets.. you NEVER take your eyes off Jesus..and don't listen to the flesh.. or what you hear or see. You KNOW that you KNOW that you KNOW HE WILL KEEP HIS WORD!
This is what I KNOW not wonder. Didn't get it from some group. I got it from HIS WORD! He LOVES YOU! HE is FOR YOU!
This right now song playing.. let it give you hope and joy for its not my chance its playing at I type
Backup..can Christ lie? Yet we give every reason as to why this is not happening today.. in my name.. these signs shall follow them that believe.. cast out demons.. speak with new tongues.. shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
So.. as Chan said once.. your on some Island.. you see this book "BIBLE" you never seen it before.. now read it! Christ can not lie.. He not me.. HE said who so ever believes! These signs SHALL follow them that believe. Do you KNOW He is real or not? Do you? Do you really have faith in Him? Get up now.. go sit somewhere else. Did you have any doubts that what you sat on would not hold you? No.. you never gave it a thought.
He already spoke it.. and yet it did not come from Christ.. what Christ said.. was the FATHERS words! He said.. if you DOUBT let not that man think he will get anything from God. So.. sit and think.. God.. really hears me.. and what He said .. He will do! You just have to be a child.. and believe. Take your eyes off all the things around you.. see you look around and.. you see so much doubt. Yet look at Peter.. NEVER take your eyes of JESUS! No matter what happens around you.,. no matter how dark it gets.. you NEVER take your eyes off Jesus..and don't listen to the flesh.. or what you hear or see. You KNOW that you KNOW that you KNOW HE WILL KEEP HIS WORD!
This is what I KNOW not wonder. Didn't get it from some group. I got it from HIS WORD! He LOVES YOU! HE is FOR YOU!
This right now song playing.. let it give you hope and joy for its not my chance its playing at I type
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