OK, I can see that and fully embrace Isaiah 55.
What are you then using as collateral to 'buy' from God?
What are you then using as collateral to 'buy' from God?
There is no price tag on the "gift" of eternal life but it must cost us something which everybody can afford whether rich or poor. And that which it costs is the life of the flesh. We must give up life after the flesh in order to have it. However, when we truly understand that the life after the flesh profits us nothing, we can appreciate the fact that it really costs nothing. We get it free of charge even though we re giving away something!!
The understanding I am embracing from Isaiah is that, because it is a "free gift" does not mean there is nothing to give up on our part. The fact that Christ Jesus traded his life for our sinful life does not give us the license as the scripture says, to continue in our sinful life. We must show in our own life outwardly, that life of Christ he traded for us. We must jettison the life of the flesh as a matter of urgency and importance.
So, for me, when we say it is a free gift, this understanding must be ingrained in our heart.
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