What are his commandments?

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Sep 28, 2023
Many mistake "law" in the NT as being the law of Moses or the levitical law.

In the New Testament, many mentions of “the law” is actually referring to Law of Christ (aka the Law of Liberty) and is not talking about the old testament law. Christians are NOT called to keep or live under the old testament law, but we ARE called to live under the Law of Christ.

Ultimately this means we are called to abide In Christ which is living after the Spirit and not after the flesh, or to be spiritually minded and not carnally minded (see Romans 8). As we see in Romans 8, to be spiritually minded is life and peace but to be carnally minded is death which is separation from the Lord.

Galatians 6:2
Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

1 Corinthians 9:21
To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law.

James 2:12
So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty.

James 1:25
But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.

Law of Christ
The phrase "the law of Christ" appears only in Galatians 6:2, although it is implied by the wording of 1 Corinthians 9:21 as well. In both places, its precise meaning is difficult to fix. In Galatians, Paul argues vigorously that the law given at Sinai makes no claim on those who believe in Christ, whether Gentile or Jew ( 2:15-21 ; Galatians 3:10-14 Galatians 3:23-26 ; 4:4-5 ; 4:21-5:6).

He then appeals to the Galatians to engage in ethical behavior by walking in the Spirit ( 5:16 Galatians 16 ), being lead by the Spirit ( 5:18 ), and fulfilling "the law of Christ" (ho nomos tou Christou) through bearing one another's burdens ( 6:2 ). In 1 Corinthians 9 Paul demonstrates how Christians should, out of love for the weaker brother or sister, refrain from demanding their rights.

By way of illustration Paul says in verses 19-23 that he adopts certain Jewish customs when among Jews, although he is not under the Jewish law, and that he adopts some Gentile customs when among Gentiles, although he is not without the law of God but rather "in the law of Christ" (ennomos Christou).

It seems fairly clear from these two texts that Paul uses the phrase to mean something other than the law given to Israel at Sinai and considered by most Jews to be their special possession.
Help is found in the prophets. In Isaiah 42:1-4 we read that God's chosen servant will one day establish justice throughout the earth and that "the coastlands will wait expectantly for His law" (NASB).

If we take this passage to refer to the Messiah, then we could paraphrase it by saying that the Christ, when he comes, will teach God's law to the Gentiles ("the coastlands"). Jeremiah 31:31-34 similarly predicts the coming of a time in which disobedient Israel will receive a new covenant, consisting of a law written on the heart and therefore obeyed (cf. Ezek 36:26-27 ).

Jesus' teaching, although standing in continuity with the law given at Sinai, nevertheless sovereignly fashions a new law. In some instances Jesus sharpens commandments ( Matt 5:17-48 ) and in others considers them obsolete ( Mark 7:17-19 ). On one occasion, having been asked to identify the greatest commandment, Jesus concurs with the Jewish wisdom of his time ( Mark 12:32-33 ) that the greatest commandments are to love God supremely and to love one's neighbor as oneself ( Mark 12:28-31 ). He breaks with tradition, however, by defining the term "neighbor" to mean even the despised Samaritan ( Luke 10:29-37 ).

Paul believed that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ marked the beginning point of God's new covenant ( 2 Cor 3:1-18 ; Gal 4:21-31 ; cf. Rom 8:2 ). Like Isaiah, he believed that this covenant included the Gentiles ( Gal 3:7-20 ), and like Jeremiah he believed that it offered Israel a remedy for the curse that the old Sinaitic covenant pronounced on Israel's disobedience ( Gal 3:10-13 ).

In light of this, Paul may have understood the teaching of Christ as a new law. If so, then the correspondence between the ethical teaching of Jesus and Paul on many points (e.g., 1 Cor 7:10-11 / Mark 10:2-9 ; 1 Cor 9:14 / Luke 10:7 ; Rom 14:1-23 / Mark 7:18-19 ) is a matter of Paul's intention rather than happy accident. Paul's own admonition to fulfill the law of Christ by bearing one another's burdens provides both a pithy restatement of Jesus' summary of the law and an indication that Jesus' teaching fulfills prophetic expectations.


Well-known member
May 28, 2018
77» 1Cor 7:12-13 . . If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she
be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away. And the woman
which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with
her, let her not leave him.

It's not all that unusual for marriages to start off on common ground, and
then later on to become religiously divided; like for instance when one of the
spouses gets converted at a Luis Palau crusade, or both start out as
Christians and one switches over to Buddhism. As long as the situation
doesn't cause intolerable friction in the home, the couple should stay

1Cor 7:14-15 . . For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and
the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband; otherwise your children
would be unclean, but now they are holy.

According to Matt 5:32 and Matt 19:9, divorce and remarriage are holy only
if one of the spouses has been unfaithful. So; if a believing spouse divorces
their unbelieving spouse solely on the grounds of religious differences, and
remarries; then as far as the New Testament is concerned, any children
produced in the second marriage will be illegitimate.


Well-known member
May 28, 2018
78» 1Cor 7:15 . . But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or
a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace.

In this situation, Christians are neither required, nor encouraged, nor under
even the slightest obligation to attempt reconciliation; rather, "let him
depart" strictly forbids getting back together with the unbeliever.

The unbeliever's departure is a golden opportunity, to permanently escape a
difficult situation that Christ's followers would be foolish to let slip through
their fingers.


Well-known member
May 28, 2018
79» 1Cor 7:17 . . As God hath distributed to every man, as The Lord hath
called every one, so let him walk.

"distribution" is likely talking about spiritual gifts. All of Christ's believing
followers are supposed to have at least one.

"Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are
differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities
of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. But the
manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. For to one
is given by the Spirit, yada, yada, yada." (1Cor 12:5-8)

The "call" likely includes the venue where each individual's gift is put to good
use for The Lord. I don't think we need to worry about how to find that
venue; it'll find us. Thing is, stay in your own zone; don't crash somebody
else's party and/or stick your nose into something that's none of your
spiritual business, and quite possibly out of your spiritual depth too.


Well-known member
May 28, 2018
80» 1Cor 7:18a . . Is any man called being circumcised? let him not become

It was of course impossible to literally reverse circumcision in Paul's day.
However, there did exist a procedure to ceremoniously reverse it. (cf.
1Maccabees 1:15)

1Cor 7:18b . . Is any called in uncircumcision? let him not be circumcised.

The circumcision in question is ritual circumcision; specifically the initiation
rite into Judaism.

Paul's advice is very practical because when men undergo Judaism's
circumcision rite, they obligate themselves to comply with the covenant that
Moses' people agreed upon with God on oath per Exodus, Leviticus,
Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

As a result; they put themselves in danger of God slamming them with the
curses for noncompliance listed at Lev 26:3-38, Deut 27:15-26, and Deut
28:1-69. (cf. Gal 3:10)

All one has to do is research the last 3,500 years of the Jews' history, up to
and including the Holocaust, to see for themselves that God is serious about
those curses.

FAQ: If 1Cor 7:18b is a hard and fast rule, then why did Paul circumcise
Timothy at Acts 16:1-3?

REPLY: The procedure wasn't done to initiate Timothy into Judaism, but
rather, so that the Jews wouldn't make an issue of Paul associating with an
uncircumcised Gentile which, in their minds, would effectively invalidate his

A similar problem exists today among Christians fixated on a particular
translation of the Bible. They will not listen to a teacher, not even a Spirit
empowered teacher, unless he quotes from their favorite version. In their
minds; all who use any other version are heretics right from the get-go.
Sep 28, 2023
They will not listen to a teacher, not even a Spirit
empowered teacher, unless he quotes from their favorite version
That's because so many of the newer translations are complete garbage that add to and take away from God's Word!

Would anyone who is actually being led by the Holy Ghost.... point people to a translation that changes what God said???


Senior Member
Jul 2, 2011
It is the Holy Spirit Who reveals understanding to the individual believer. All translations havee flawed interpretations without Him, even my favorite, the KJV.

If our Father wants an individual to receive Truth, it may be derived from Betty Crocker if need be.

Do not whimper over the error of others if the Holy Spirit is guiding. It is a waste of time.
Sep 28, 2023
Do not whimper over the error of others if the Holy Spirit is guiding. It is a waste of time.
So, just let error slide... so others get deceived. Got it.

Some of these modern translations are straight up demonic so yeah... I'm going to speak up about the dangers of some of these translations that aren't even produced by Christians!

Many of these publications are nothing more than money making schemes by secular publishers that should be ignored!


Senior Member
Jul 2, 2011
So, just let error slide... so others get deceived. Got it.

Some of these modern translations are straight up demonic so yeah... I'm going to speak up about the dangers of some of these translations that aren't even produced by Christians!

Many of these publications are nothing more than money making schemes by secular publishers that should be ignored!
Reread my post. It covers all.


Well-known member
May 28, 2018
81» 1Cor 7:20 . . Each one should remain in the situation which he was in
when God called him.

I once knew a really good Christian man who felt guilty never going out as a
missionary to a foreign land to help people less fortunate than himself. Well,
I assured him that somebody has to stay back here in the States and hold
down a job in order to earn the money needed to finance missions already in

The ratio of soldiers in the rear compared to the ones at the front is
something like six to one. It takes a massive support base to keep our guys
on the line out there facing off with the other guys; all the way from workers
in state-side factories manufacturing war materiel, to the sailors, soldiers,
and airmen moving men and materiel over land and seas, to the doctors and
nurses staffing MASH facilities, to the guys and girls driving supply trucks to
the front. We can't all be in the bush. Somebody has to be in the rear with
the gear.

So take comfort in knowing that if you're involved in the effort, then you're a
part of the effort; and will be rewarded accordingly. (cf. 1Sam 30:1-25 and
Matt 20:1-16)


Well-known member
May 28, 2018
82» 1Cor 7:21-22 . . Were you called while a slave? Do not be concerned
about it; but if you can be made free, rather use it. For he who is called in
The Lord while a slave is The Lord's freedman. Likewise he who is called
while free is Christ's slave.

Were this the only life, then slavery would be a terrible fate because there
would be nothing better to look forward to; viz: Christian slaves should think
of their situation as only a temporary set-back. They're missing out on the
best that life has to offer for now, but I'm pretty sure they can look forward
to Christ making it up to them in the next life.

The situation of Christians behind bars, without possibility of either release
or parole, is little different than that of slaves. However, though their time
inside may be for life, it isn't permanent. No, their time inside is just a bump
in the road: it's not the end of the road.

As I was watching a prison documentary on NetFlix some time ago, one of
the inmates interviewed-- an elderly man sweeping with a broom out in the
yard --said, in so many words: Guys come in here thinking their life is over.
It ain't over, it's just different.

That old guy was a lifer, but he was at peace with his situation-- an amazing
attitude for an institutionalized man with no hope of ever again having a
normal life on the outside.


Well-known member
May 28, 2018
83» 1Cor 7:23 . .You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men.

Selling one's body into slave labor was a very common method for settling
debts in a world where bankruptcy wasn't an option (cf. Matt 5:25-26)
whereas selling one's soul is something far more serious.


Well-known member
May 28, 2018
84» 1Cor 7:24 . . Brethren, let each one remain with God in the situation in
which he was called.

If you're a slave; don't become a runaway slave. If you're a secretary, don't
quit your job and/or abandon your husband to run off and become another
Joan of Arc. Stay put; always keeping in mind that whether slave, free, or
crusader; will make no difference in your association with God.

NOTE: Ambitious Christians sometimes feel as though they are not being
utilized by God to their fullest potential, i.e. they could be doing more. Well;
it just might be that in His opinion you're doing enough, and more is a nice
thought, but unnecessary.


Well-known member
May 28, 2018
85» 1Cor 7:25 . . Now about virgins: I have no command from The Lord, but
I give a judgment as one who by The Lord's mercy is trustworthy.

The Greek word translated "virgins" is parthenos (par-then'-os) which
basically refers to girls not yet married. Here in American we assume virgins
are girls not yet sexually active but in that ancient culture, it was more
about a girl's age and/or marital status rather than her private life.

There's an ancient temple in Greece called the Parthenon; which was at one
time a sort of shrine to the goddess Athena (a.k.a. Minerva). Apparently it
was common for Athena's followers to donate their young girls to her

I'm guessing that the Christians in ancient Corinth, influenced by Greek and
Roman culture, were curious whether they were supposed to donate their
young girls to Christ's service; viz: make nuns of them; which of course
would seal them into celibacy and thus preclude the possibility of ever
having a man and a family of their own.

Paul's claim to be "trustworthy" is saying that he could be relied upon to
speak as Christ and for Christ on certain issues without having to first
inquire the Lord's mind about them.

That's a pretty advanced degree of inspiration when somebody is 110%
confident that their thoughts on a matter are God's thoughts.


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2020
“And he went forth again by the sea side; and all the multitude resorted unto him, and he taught them.”
‭‭Mark‬ ‭2:13‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“And he taught them many things by parables, and said unto them in his doctrine,”
‭‭Mark‬ ‭4:2‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“and he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:2‬ ‭KJV‬‬

His words and teachings in the gospel the things our lord taught are his commandments


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2020
Don't tell the OSAS peoples that... they'll claim you are teaching works based salvation View attachment 257232
They especially don’t like when you show what Paul taught about eternal judgement and works

“Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God;

Who will render to every man according to his deeds: to them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life:

but unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile;

but glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile: for there is no respect of persons with God.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭2:4-11‬ ‭KJV‬‬

things like this stated so clearly and plainly tonthe church by the apostle Paul in nearly all his epistles repeatedly
devastates the doctrine of hypergrace that erases what the lord and truth ally said will save believers in him

But also it’s like banging against a brick wall when someone grave in tight to that doctrine no matter what scriptures clearly say “ just say grace yoye saved already you’ll never be judged by your works like Paul said like Jesus did before him like Peter said

“Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life;

and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.”
‭‭John‬ ‭5:28-29‬ ‭KJV‬‬

We’re all as free as we choose but in the end there’s one right choice made abundantly clear in the Bible


Well-known member
May 28, 2018
86» 1Cor 7:26-28 . . Because of the present crisis, I think that it is good for
you to remain as you are. Are you married? Do not seek a divorce. Are you
unmarried? Do not look for a wife. But if you do marry, you have not sinned;
and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned.

The "present crisis" probably relates to circumstances that make it difficult
and/or inadvisable to settle down and raise a family, e.g. Jer 16:1-4 and
Matt 24:19-22.

However, marriage, overall, doesn't displease God; and best of all, the
Corinthian Christians didn't have to donate their maidens to Christ as nuns;
rather, the girls were perfectly at liberty to settle down with a man.