What happens to or where is lake of fire?

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2018
on a metaphoric level.
That is one possibility that I have considered.
If souls were bound and thrown into the sun, there would be no escape.

However, the Bible seems to indicate that hades, and possibly hell are in the center of the earth, the heart. (hold that thought)

There are 29 references to "the realm of the dead" in the NIV Bible. If you read those references, it is referring to a place deep in the earth. There is a molten core at the center of the earth from which lava erupts and flows from volcanos on the surface. Imagine how hot it is at the core. Having likely cooled considerable on the trip to the surface.

The Bible also makes reference to Jesus ministering/preaching to the spirits in hades. Consider what the verse below means, since Jesus was laid in an above ground tomb.

Matthew 12:40
For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2019
Oh I agree......Magenta and I agree on many things.....her view of hell and the lake of fire is not one of those things......and if one is annihilated and knows nothing after death there is no need to fear being killed and cast into hell.......The bible is clear....so is the smoke of their torment ascending forever......
yes brother. i did not want to get a red X for my opinion that i hold to be true. you said it if one is annihilated and knows nothing what is there to fear? one experiences that every time they go to sleep.

brethren, read the warnings of Jesus about hellfire, lets sit at the feet of the Master and learn, let God open our ears to hear what the anointed One of God, Messiah, Christ, Lord of all, Jesus has to say about the place called gehenna. i believe Jesus paints a clear picture, instead of using human reasoning sense of justice and logic to determine truth we should instead focus on the record of God given to us through the apostles and prophets and those faithful men over time who copied the scriptures to preserve them for us, as God in His providence intended. thank you Lord for giving us the privilege to read your record after all this time, we need it now more than ever.amen.

Matthew 5:29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.

Luke 12:5 But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him.

Revelation 14:11 And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.”


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2019
The Body of Christ is ONE. Churches is plural and clearly denotes the buildings where the body congregates. This is not a church, or one of those churches. It is a public forum. Women are to be obedient to their HUSBANDS. You do not qualify! You want to put people under the law, huh?
i agree with this interpretation except that Paul's letters are not "law". that would be the torah. how can new covenant doctrine be considered law? i would like to know why you gave me a red X icon, i didnt give you one even if i disagreed with your view of hell.


That is one possibility that I have considered.
If souls were bound and thrown into the sun, there would be no escape.

However, the Bible seems to indicate that hades, and possibly hell are in the center of the earth, the heart. (hold that thought)

There are 29 references to "the realm of the dead" in the NIV Bible. If you read those references, it is referring to a place deep in the earth. There is a molten core at the center of the earth from which lava erupts and flows from volcanos on the surface. Imagine how hot it is at the core. Having likely cooled considerable on the trip to the surface.

The Bible also makes reference to Jesus ministering/preaching to the spirits in hades. Consider what the verse below means, since Jesus was laid in an above ground tomb.

Matthew 12:40
For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
I’ve considered that as well,
Isn’t hades considered to be hell? that is interesting about Matt 12:40, but there’s a few verses that say under the earth, and that could mean under the dirt or literally under the earth.


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2019
You need to stop calling God's Word "lies."

Sodom’s fiery judgment is ‘eternal’ (Jude 7) – until… God ‘will restore the fortunes of Sodom’ (Eze. 16:53-55).

Israel’s ‘affliction is incurable’ (Jeremiah 30:12) – until… the Lord ‘will restore health’ and heal her wounds (Jeremiah 30:17).

The sin of Samaria ‘is incurable’ (Micah 1:9) – until… Lord ‘will restore the fortunes of Samaria.’ (Ez. 16:53).

Ammon is to become a ‘wasteland forever’ and ‘rise no more’ (Zephaniah 2:9, Jeremiah 25:27) – until… the Lord will ‘restore the fortunes of the Ammonites’ (Jeremiah 49:6).

An Ammonite or Moabite is forbidden to enter the Lord’s congregation ‘forever’ – until… the tenth generation (Deuteronomy 23:3).

Habakkuk tells us of mountains that were ‘everlasting’, that is – until… they ‘were shattered’ (Habakkuk 3 3:6).

The Aaronic Priesthood was to be an ‘everlasting’ priesthood (Exodus 40:15), that is – until… it was superceded by the Melchizedek Priesthood (Hebrews 7:14-18).

Many translations of the Bible inform us that God would dwell in Solomon’s Temple ‘forever’ (1 Kings 8:13), that is – until… the Temple was destroyed.

The Law of Moses was to be an ‘everlasting covenant’ (Leviticus 24:8), yet we read in the New Covenant the first was ‘done away’ and ‘abolished’ (2 Corinthians 3:11,13), and God ‘made the first old’ (Hebrews 8:13).

The fire for Israel’s sin offering (of a ram without blemish) is never to be put out. It shall be a ‘perpetual’ – until… Christ, the Lamb of God, dies for our sins. We now have a better covenant established on better promises (Leviticus 6:12-13, Hebrews 8:6-13).

God’s waves of wrath roll over Jonah ‘forever’ – until… the Lord delivers him from the large fish’s belly on the third day (Jonah 2:6,10; 1:17).

Egypt and Elam will ‘rise no more’ (Jeremiah 25:27) – until… the Lord will ‘restore the fortunes of Egypt’ (Ezekiel 29:14) and ‘restore the fortunes of Elam’ (Jeremiah 49:39).

‘Moab is destroyed’ (Jeremiah 48:4, 42) – until… the Lord ‘will restore the fortunes of Moab’ (Jeremiah 48:47).

Israel’s judgment lasts ‘forever’ – until… the Spirit is poured out and God restores it (Isaiah 32:13-15).

The King James Bible, as well as many others, tells us that a bondslave was to serve his master ‘forever’ (Exodus 21:6), that is – until… his death.”
but dear sister, i ask you in love, how can we know when God means what He says? when is it really forever and when is it not? is our eternal life really eternal? is Jesus really the high priest after the order of melchizedek forever? is there any way to know when forever means what it says?


Senior Member
Jul 3, 2015
but dear sister, i ask you in love, how can we know when God means what He says? when is it really forever and when is it not? is our eternal life really eternal? is Jesus really the high priest after the order of melchizedek forever? is there any way to know when forever means what it says?
Read the Bible thoroughly, ask for direction and understanding from the Holy Spirit before you do so, and your eyes will be opened to the truth. Word studies may also help in your understanding. The Greek word αἰών has been translated into forever, when aion means for an age, which is a duration of time. In Matt 13:22 the same word is translated to mean world. Does this world pass away? According to Scripture, it does. Understanding takes time. I am still learning, and have much yet to learn also :)


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2018
The dead sea is under the earth, literally its 423 metres below sea level.
It's also a lake.
Apr 15, 2017
So all this time I pictured this lake of fire somewhere on the earth in the future. Then death and hell and all who oppose God are tossed in at the closing of revelations 20. Then the first verse of 21 states he sees a new heaven and new earth because the old one passed away. So does that mean the lake of fire with all of the inhabitants are also gone?
Psa 63:9 But those that seek my soul, to destroy it, shall go into the lower parts of the earth.

Eph 4:9 (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?

Rev 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
Rev 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

2Pe 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
2Pe 3:11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,

Hell is in the lower parts of the earth, so the whole earth will be cast in to the lake of fire, along with all people not found written in the Lamb's book of life.

Rom 1:17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
Rom 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Rom 1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.

Rom 2:14 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:
Rom 2:15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another.

People can be saved without knowing the Bible whether Old or New Testament, but they cannot be with God until after the millennial reign is over, and the great white throne judgment takes place when the dead rise.

Creation testifies of a God, and of His attributes, which one of them is love, for He provided food, and the means to make clothing, and shelter, so the world is without excuse.

And love works no ill towards their neighbor, therefore love is the fulfilling of the law, which creation testifies of the 2 greatest laws love God, and love people, the same way a Christian is saved by abiding by the 2 greatest laws, for charity, love in action, is greater than faith and hope.

The people that never heard the word of God will be judged on their belief in a higher power, and love towards people, and to ask forgiveness if anything is amiss.

Rom 3:1 What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision?
Rom 3:2 Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God.

But knowing the word of God is an advantage for it tells us how to live right to be pleasing to God, so it removes the doubt, and lets us know what is expected for sure.

Mar 9:43 And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:
Mar 9:44 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

Mat 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.

It seems as if it means that they will feel the affects of the fire as the flesh feels the fire, and the fire is not quenched so the lake of fire is eternal.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2018
I’ve considered that as well,
Isn’t hades considered to be hell? that is interesting about Matt 12:40, but there’s a few verses that say under the earth, and that could mean under the dirt or literally under the earth.
The writers in biblical times likely didn't know that the earth was a sphere. So...
Mar 22, 2019
Good question.

The Book of Enoch gives a clearer picture, but it is still vague.


Senior Member
Dec 18, 2017
Both of you are wrong and speak not the truth but lies. Read the Bible (KJV) learn the truth. Ask Jesus to dwell in you and become the temple of the Lord
Pray tell...how can you call a person ...a liar...when I specifically said it as my opinion and I can offer no scripture in support.

The 1611 KJV edition of The Bible is my sole Bible reference.
Mar 28, 2016
So all this time I pictured this lake of fire somewhere on the earth in the future. Then death and hell and all who oppose God are tossed in at the closing of revelations 20. Then the first verse of 21 states he sees a new heaven and new earth because the old one passed away. So does that mean the lake of fire with all of the inhabitants are also gone?
The lake of fire is the carrying out or execution of the final judgement. No condemnation for the new creature... having passed from eternal damnation to eternal life when they were first believed, freely given the faith of Christ to make it possible to believe Him not seen.

Those who have not received a new born again spirit will not be raised on the last day . Their corrupted fleshly bodies will return to the dust from where it was formed from and their temporal corrupted spirit will return to the father of all spirit life.
Nov 26, 2012
It’s funny, five pages in, we’ve had quotes from old and new testaments, a couple of fights and as many opinions as there are posters. Just an average thread in the Bible Discussion Forum.


The writers in biblical times likely didn't know that the earth was a sphere. So...
under a Sphere or flat earth rather they known or not IMO.


It’s funny, five pages in, we’ve had quotes from old and new testaments, a couple of fights and as many opinions as there are posters. Just an average thread in the Bible Discussion Forum.
Where you hoping for some grand illumination.
Nov 26, 2012
Where you hoping for some grand illumination.
No. Stirring the pot, hoping the literalists, figurativists(?), and the make up your own meaning theorists would all come out to take a blind whack at this theological piñata. And they never disappoint.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2018
No. Stirring the pot, hoping the literalists, figurativists(?), and the make up your own meaning theorists would all come out to take a blind whack at this theological piñata. And they never disappoint.
What about you.
Why do you ask if you dont even wanna know? Just making conversation?


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2018
dear Lord, give me wisdom that I'm not gonna use. I just wanna stir and vex everyone. Hahhahaha. What are you, some kind of devils advocate, with a grudge against christians?

Come on! He dont work that way. He gives wisdom to anyone who asks in faith and he gives it LIBERALLY.