It's fine that your philosophy does not consider my prior scripture references an answer to your question.
"Philosophy"? Wow... if you think demeaning my position makes your position more soundly biblical, you're
dead wrong. My position is based
entirely on Scripture...
all of Scripture. As to your references, they aren't your words, and they don't adequately answer my question.
The point of your question was obviously to cast aspersions against the Sabbath itself.
More silly insults along the lines of those from flat-Earthers and KJV-only cultists: you can't refute my position so you throw shade. How about we discuss Scripture instead?
When someone wilfully denies the full body of the covenant of grace because they are opposed to part of it because they errantly insist a part was for "Jews only" they have denied the cross itself. While demonstrating they know nothing of the faith we hold in Yeshua.
Yeah... clearly, I know and understand the faith in Jesus Christ better than you, given you are still bound to the Law.