You, like the rest of the Pentecostal ilk are but claiming a physical supernatural manifestation of the Holy Spirit which you should have evidence of but do not. This shows an irreverence toward the Holy Spirit and guilt of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. This goes for all who claim but have no physical evidence of their physical claim.
A local paper was listing the local events for that week.
On my night off, I responded to one ad that spoke of a professional hypnotist who would be entertaining at a local college.
While seated, the hypnotist explained to us that not everyone is hypnotizable.
He did a short demonstration which some responded to, and others it had no effect.
He then told us who were not effected that we could sit back and enjoy the show.
The ones who were hypnotizable were the ones who were vulnerable to an invisible power sphere.
One that would enter to control their mind into an instant state of delusion. A delusion that they thought was real.
He even performed an act that was identical to being slain in the Spirit.
It was like sitting in a secularized Pentecostal church. No mention of Christ. But?
He could make them enter laughter and into a state of joyous expression...
One could speak a language from outer space. And, another interpret for us.
And, even demonstrated that some on command would be filled with a deeply
moving feeling of love for the person sitting next to them.
It is how witches cast spells.
Same power. Only different packaging, and a deceiving of the one implementing it upon another. .
That is why God gave us the Word of God to protect the believer from demonic deception.
In many instances sound doctrine is to check us to see if we have been walking in God's desire..
or Satan's, for those who walk according to their flesh and emotions.
Its not something to be taken lightly. Nor, as a personal attack.
Not to be taken as some personal attack when the Word corrects and rebukes us.
Its to correct us so we can become alerted, and transformed out of our natural vulnerabilities,
and moved into the Mind of Christ.
In Christ .............
So we have it....
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