I can not open the link.
any way what is continuous sin
a. Every day stealing,
b, or today stealing, tomorrow porn, the following day killing etc
c. today killing, tomorrow stop sining, the following week raping
First off, the manner of sin is not issue.
Frankly, your examples of such obvious outward sin really just obscure the real issue of sin.
The major sin issue is the sins of your mind - these one can, usually, hide from fellow man but not from God.
Occasionally, our thoughts betray us with an injudicious word or action that a third party would label as sin, but these are rare compared to the sins we commit in our thought lives.
When one deals honestly with the real impact of sin in one's life one can start to grow as a Christian.
The practice of sin is how unbelievers live their lives. That does not mean that we notice these individuals as being "bad" by human standards - we may see them, again by human standards, as being "good".
Yet, because they ignore or reject God they are continuously sinning - because rejecting God is sin!
They may commit other sins as well.
A believer is not free of sin in this lifetime either - much as our "sinless perfectionists" would have us believe otherwise.
However, if we are regenerated and born again, we have a changed nature and identity (go and read Romans chapter 8).
We are adopted as children of God, heirs and co-heirs with Christ!
Because we are now children of God, we now become part of the "family business".
Part of becoming an effective participant in the family business is to change our behaviour to reflect Christ - we are to be ambassadors for Christ.
If you believe that you are contractually-obliged on a performance basis to behave this way then you have FUNDAMENTALLY missed the point of Christianity!
The only motive governing our response to our new identity in Christ is LOVE (remember 1 John 4:19)!
Will we fail?
Will we mess up?
Will we sin?
Yes to all three questions, YES in capital letters!
Simply because we are human, and simply because even though we have become new, we still have out old sinful body of flesh. (See Rom 8:9-11)
None of these things, however, changes our identity in Christ.
We do not suddenly lose our adoption into Christ (see again Romans chapter 8).
Instead, do we want to make amends, to repent, and to move on and grow in Christ?
If we really are born-again and sealed with the Holy Spirit then the answer should be a resounding YES!
Christians, are not bound in sin, and we are not bound to sin.
Sin is not our daily existence and it is not our normal state of affairs.
We have a Helper, the Holy Spirit, by which and through which, we can grow into Christlikeness, despite the reality of still living in a fleshly body that is subject to sin and sinfulness. Without the Holy Spirit we are helpless in the face of our flesh.
We cannot deny the reality of sin (1 John 1:8-10) but when we do sin then God is faithful to forgive us (1 John 1:9).
Like a growing child our goal is grow up to become a productive citizen, in this case in the family of God, motivated by our love for Christ Jesus, who while we yet a sinner died for us (Rom 5:8).