So! Even if you explained a "trillion" times who still have not proven the rapture has occured "BEFORE" these events.
Paul's point in 2Th2 is to provide THE SEQUENCE (as to WHEN our Rapture will take place IN RELATION [
time-wise] TO the earthly time period known as "the Day of the Lord"/"IN THAT DAY"). The DOTL time-period can't "BE PRESENT" until our Rapture takes place
*FIRST*… [note the DEFINITION I provided from "Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon... (published 1859 [I think])
"apostasia - LATER FORM FOR apostasis" = "apo stasis"="a standing away from [from a previous standing]" - aka "DEPARTURE" (as in the first 7 translations of the English Bible, before kjv)]
It seems your "oblivious" to the words, "end of the age/world." Matthew 13:39, 40.
I'm not "oblivious" to it. I've posted a lot about how the passage in Matt13:24,30,39,40,49-50 and context (re: "the end [singular] of the age [singular]" [which will immediately precede "the age [singular] to come"/the earthly MK age]) has to do with the "WHEAT harvest" [there's more than ONE "harvest" in nature and in Scripture], and that "the 144,000" are said to be "firstfruit" (of a "harvest"), NOTING the TWO DISTINCT mentions of "firsfruit" in Lev23, and which I've shown in past posts that the wording in Rev14:4 parallels the wording of the
SECOND of these TWO mentions of "firstfruit" in Lev23 (associated with the "WHEAT harvest"), where it also says, the "
TWO loaves" and "baken
that ain't US--see 1Cor5:7 "ye are
stated factually]
[note also the phrase "a KIND of firstfruit, said in James]
I've made numerous posts about the distinctions among "the LAST trumpet" and the "SEVEN [judgment] TRUMPETS" and "the GREAT trumpet" (and noted how the distinctions of "how" the "2 silver trumpets" were blown in Numbers 10:1-10, showed the various PURPOSES of those patterns... and that v.4 speaks of "if they blow
but with
ONE trumpet, then
the PRINCES [G5387 - "one lifted up, a chief, prince" (see my references I gave in past posts TO THIS)],
which are HEADS of the thousands of Israel, shall gather-themselves [<--one word]
UNTO YOU [/unto Moses]" (see wording in 2Th2:1!--our Rapture IN THE AIR... "
OUR episynagoges UNTO HIM")
and how about the "last day at John 6:36-40, John 6:44.
I've mentioned... John 6:39 is about the "THINGS" that will be "raised up" unto Jesus IN THE LAST DAY (His earthly "throne [of David]" and His "governance" stuff, etc); whereas v.40 is about "PERSONS" [EVERY ONE
*WHO*]... and
note: I am
not saying there is not a "
resurrection" at the END of the trib, for I've repeatedly pointed out BOTH Daniel 12:13 [OT saint; "[resurrected ("to stand again on the earth")] at the END of the days [the END of the days of THAT CONTEXT (meaning, at END of trib)]"; and Rev20:4b [TRIB saints--those of them who will have DIED in/during the trib yrs]--Neither of these instances are speaking of "our Rapture" ("our Rapture" pertains SOLELY to "the Church WHICH IS HIS BODY" [Eph1:20-23
WHEN], NOT to all other saints of all OTHER time periods!)
[note the points I've made in my past posts about the word "THIS" in 1Cor15:51-54; and the fact that v.23 says "[re: resurrection] but each IN HIS OWN ORDER" (meaning there doesn't remain ONLY ONE); and how Rev20:6 says, "having A PART IN the first resurrection" (the one "UNTO LIFE"--not that it occurs all in one singular point in time (for the 2W are "resurrected" at the 6th Trumpet/2nd Woe, distinctly from when ANYONE ELSE is!!)]
And what about in the Old Testament, have you read Zechariah 14:5-9 and take note of verses 6,7. Where's the rapture in these verses?
It's not.
That's is a "second coming
to the earth" passage. No "rapture" at that point! That's what I've been saying.
And note what I'd said about the phrase "IN THAT DAY" equaling "the Day of the Lord [TIME PERIOD]," which is NOT "a singular 24-hr day
[yes, there is a "resurrection [to stand again
on the earth]" at His Second Coming
to the earth time-slot;
not "our Rapture" which pertains SOLELY to "the Church which is His body"]
Btw, you mentioned Noah so what about the ten plagues, how are you goint to explain that away?
I just got done saying... "Noah"="those [saints] preserved THRU the [flood] judgments unfolding on the earth"; I never once said there won't exists "saints" on the earth IN/DURING the trib years (they will have come to faith FOLLOWING "our Rapture/THE Departure," that is, IN/DURING the trib yrs); but it is only "the Church which is His body" (defined as ALL those having come to faith "in this PRESENT age [singular]") to which THE RAPTURE pertains (and of whom "Enoch" is the type, instead)
Hope that helps you see my perspective.