Hi, i see ,two of you ladies are on line, it is good that some of us are color blind,LOL, or not good,LOL ;just joking, My Father was color blink, I think, but in Christ, we are all color ,gender and status BLIND, LOL .! I really don't care what gender I'm talking to; we are all equal in Christ. And I try to respect all. But. Please, some times People take others way out of context, and put lies in their mouths. This is not kind. My point I am making, is WORDS are very important, to truth.! The word "impute" is very important, it means to give some one credit when they have not earned it. When we believe Jesus , God imputes to our account in Heaven ,Jesus perfect righteousness. NOW, THINK,OF, The opposite of impute, WHICH is the word, "impart" OR the word "input"; Both have to do with a change within the person. These two words refer to the New Nature which God GIVES us ,OR puts within us, or imparts to us , when He mades us born again. born of God. Most teachers today know, almost, nothing of the real change MADE in us by the NEW BIRTH. I have been trying to MAKE you see this truth; BUT it is going in one ear and out the other.! With this in mind, think of what the old Westminister conf. says: "sanctification begins in regeneration." (not an exact Qoute) Our thoughts are on Rom. 5:14 "nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, " Of course, sin was imputed, death resulted because of sin. SOO ,take ,with a grain of salt,"no imputation with out law", But .fact of the matter was, not many men understood, why their friends were dying, or how to prepare for death, because . God had "given them up to punishment with out a cure".! Rom. ch. one. NOW, move down to rom..5:19 "For as by one man's disobedience MANY"(not all,??why? because only the "many" will actually go to Hell)"were made sinners," (who, in the end, go to Hell), "so also by one Man;s obedience many" ( not all,why??, because only the ELECT will be born of God so they can go to Heaven), "will be MADE righteous." (born of God). What does the word "MADE" mean? "to cause to exist", "to appear", "to build" 2Cor.5:17 "a new creation" a totally new Nature, heart. self.. Made Holy Like God is holy, by nature, born again in Gods Image , with true knowledge of God, the true nature of holiness like God, and new conduct,holy actions like God.! NOW, please don't say ,that a Christian is tring to gain Heaven by works, He /she is only doing what comes naturally for the Child of God, born of God, living holy, like Christ lived holy, we are not perfect,like Christ, but we are tring to be perfect as Paul and all other Christians try to Please God in all we do. If one does not live Holy, they are not born again! Please learn the contrast between the "all" (the potential) and the "MANY" (the actual.) Love to all ,Hoffco