Here is where he proves he is a works salvationist <- he believes one walk saves -> or "unsaves" someone
in response to a sister who actually shared the truth and said to be saved we must believe in Jesus (he is already making strawmen and attacking her character
he believes
capable to sin -> unsaved
unable to sin -> saved
and depending on which one of these you are at the moment
is how you can tell where youre are
he made many other strange claims
false statements
lies against brothers and sisters
but im sure you just ignored them stunned
in response to a sister who actually shared the truth and said to be saved we must believe in Jesus (he is already making strawmen and attacking her character
he believes
capable to sin -> unsaved
unable to sin -> saved
and depending on which one of these you are at the moment
is how you can tell where youre are
he made many other strange claims
false statements
lies against brothers and sisters
but im sure you just ignored them stunned
And that is what he said and what you quoted from him in your previous post. The paragraph right above this one is my paraphrase of what he said (and you quoted from him).
You are seeing things the man did not say. You are processing what he said and arriving at something different than what he said.
I can't make you listen more carefully. It's up to you to do that. It's up to you to listen to ALL a man says instead of picking out how he worded one part of what he said and beginning a war with him over one sentence.
You are the one who is ignoring all else he said except for one sentence you bristled at and decided to go to war over.
I could actually and literally find a verse for every statement he made, so it is quite bizarre that you disagree with all he has said. To listen to you tell it, faith does not and never will result in a man learning the obedience of faith and learning to abide for longer periods of time (which is endurance and maturity), and grow in virtue.
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