Yes - and, for the most part, I view the posts in this thread ( as well as the posts of any similar thread ) simply as different people trying to communicate their view, stance, etc. ( while trying to overcome the limitations of the English language

I tend to not take any of it "too personal" -- and, I always endeavor to communicate my perspective in a way that keeps the focus on "the issue at hand" - and, never belittles or slanders anyone for believing differently than I.
Even if we feel it necessary to "call someone out" in defense of the faith -- we should
still remember to attack / target the
error - and not the
If I make a 'pointed' statement to someone ( example: post #1769 ), I always attempt to say it in the context of 'caring brotherly love'.
Although I believe that the final statement in post #1766 was said in a way that was "unnecessarily personal" - not being focused on [ the perceived error ], but being [ a bit of ] an attack on a person -- I choose to "take it" as though he meant it out of concern
for what he sees as "a brother in error"...
I "countered" with a statement ( post #1769 ) to "soften" the
demeanor that came across in his post -- to let him know that - rather than 'react' to his sarcasm, I would give him something to think about:
"You know - I could possibly be wrong... And, since it is better to be right [ in knowing the truth ] than to be right [ in pride and appearance ], I believe I will continue to "study this out" - searching the scriptures for a better understanding..."
In any case - for the most part, things like that do not "get to me" -- with regard to what people may say in their posts on CC - I am not that "flappable" - it takes a lot to get me "riled up" -- because,
I choose to view what people say as their opinion. I respect other people's opinion ( because we all have the right to have one ) - but, not enough to allow it to manipulate me ( emotionally ) into a fit of anger.
When a person "strikes back in anger" ( in their response in a post ) -- it says more about the person responding than it does the 'target' of their response.
I find that:
~ I agree with Elin about some things, and disagree about other things.
~ I agree with MarcR about some things, and disagree about other things.
~ I agree with PlainWord about some things, and disagree about other things.
~ I agree with VCO about some things, and disagree about other things.
~ I agree with crossnote about some things, and disagree about other things.
~ I agree with popeye about some things, and disagree about other things.
~ I agree with valient about some things, and disagree about other things.
In a way --- I find it very interesting how this happens to occur - "just how the beliefs of all of these people overlap in areas and diverge in others" - [ is ] very interesting indeed! Then there are questions - like:
"How can this person believe 'this certain thing' and 'that certain thing' at the same time?"
Very interesting indeed...
Let us not bicker with each other.
Let us not slander each other.
Let us search for the truth above all things. ( Please understand the context. )
Let us take interest in the discussion for the sake of the understanding of the truth of the scriptures.
Let us have fellowship one with another based on our faith and love in the Lord Jesus Christ.