When I read scripture this is what scripture says. It is a very unpopular belief. There has been some very harsh things said about me because I find this in scripture, yet there is not one person who has given scripture backup for their belief that God cancelled it. It is all done through man made interpretations of other scripture verses
If God doesn't ask us to celebrate salvation with the feasts then God would tell us so and there hasn't been one scripture given that tells us this. If someone asks me for scripture about things that God has asked us not to do, I could supply them with those scriptures. No one has given this for the feasts.
In part that is what inspired me to post the articles on the feasts. They give a fair view of the feats and what they are about. It is different in article format than in discussion forum format, when we discuss such things. Because in an article the author can simply refer to supporting scripture and build a narrative in context. Whereas in a discussion forum format everyone's personal beliefs and practices get interwoven into a back and forth that can become heated. And understandably due to the individuals personal affinity for their belief.
Some say that Christ did not ask it of us so God doesn't ask it, yet they will state that Christ is God. They feel that God in the OT does not have Christ as part of God. Scripture tells us Christ was there at creation, even. The OT was God breathed just as the NT was. Some say it is a Jewish custom and Paul taught not to follow those customs, yet it is a Jewish custom to pray and they are all for praying. Some say it is a fallacy to believe you must do this to be saved, yet God does not say this when God asks us to honor the feasts. God says our salvation is based only on faith in Him, and of course that faith needs to be in what God tells us. One said they celebrate salvation through Christ, implying that if you celebrate that way you may not celebrate with feasts. Some say instructions to the Hebrews are not for the strangers, as scripture calls the gentiles, yet scripture tells us God is God the same for all, not special for His chosen race.
Precisely. We're told, God is no respecter of persons. He doesn't play favorites, He doesn't elect one group or race over another in affording His free irrevocable grace and message to the world.
The thing about the feasts, which is another reason I shared the articles, especially the last one, is that they were in no wise intended as a means to Salvation. Then or now.
The OT people were saved by faith. The NT people and we today, are saved by faith. Not by following any precepts or rules.
What I think we encounter more often than not is what is often called, easy believerism. All you have to do is believe in Jesus and you're in the Heaven club for all time. Often, that group of believers also deny the moral commands of God are relevant today, and as well as the feast days.
And it always makes me wonder about that affirmation, regarding the ten commands? If someone knows what they say, they realize those are the basic moral constructs surrounding Love of God and one's neighbor. You don't steal from your neighbor, you don't murder your neighbor, you don't lie about them, or perjure yourself in court against them, etc...And you love only God and no other god, nor do you erect idols.
So, to think there are Denominations out there that say, oh, all that? No, doesn't apply now, is to realize there are some real charlatan churches afoot that know nothing about the Bible, and everything about condoning vice.
Because if an edict from the Creator to not murder His creation doesn't apply, then I should be able to murder the guy who cut down my tree on my land, because he said it obstructed his view of....my land?

And I should be able to buy that yoga posed Jesus oak carved statue that I saw the other day at a retailer here because a graven image is OK now, right?
See what I mean? To say the ten commands are no longer valid is to usurp what Jesus said of them. When they no longer matter, I guess God wasted His time writing His laws on our hearts so that we'd never be apart from them. You know, because they no longer matter? So God must not have known that I guess.
Trust the Lord with all your heart and mind, and He will never be far from you. He indwells you. And He isn't even a He! God is a Holy Spirit and that's why we must worship God in spirit.
More often than not what these type discussions are about is challenging what you believe in your personal relationship with God. The critics, the most vocal who oppose the Bible by twisting the scriptures, appear to want to tell us in a way that doesn't get them disciplined by board rules, that we're not really Christians, or that the Bible itself is antiquated and we're all idiots for believing and taking to heart and living what it says.
And as I've also said before, though that can be taken out of context and twisted too, is that a lot of people who have it wrong about scripture are likely people who have been taught by a pastor who was wrong. Or they're following a Denomination that has corrupted the scriptures to their way of thinking.
So those type people aren't here as wolves, they're here as sheep led astray by false shepherds in the pulpit.
Not to say we don't have wolves here.
Keep your faith and walk true to God and you'll do well.