most, if not all of Jesus' inter-actions in the NT, pertains to the 'ten-tribes of Isreal,'
for it is written: 'I am sent only to the 'lost sheep of Isreal...
when Jesus comes into contact with someone, such as the ten lepers,
they represent the 'ten-tribes of Israel' that are 'unclean, they have stepped out of God's Covenant...
the healing of the 'blind' represents what God says to Isreal, that they have eyes to see,
and ears to hear', but they do neither...BUT, eventually, they Shall SEE...
as far as the Samaritan woman is concerned, 'notice that she has had '5' husbands, which are:
Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome - everything that Jesus does, FITS INTO the Israel Pattern,
because, that's exactly whom He was sent to...
the woman with the issue of Blood, represents Israel, for her sins are as 'filthy rags'...
for it is written: 'I am sent only to the 'lost sheep of Isreal...
when Jesus comes into contact with someone, such as the ten lepers,
they represent the 'ten-tribes of Israel' that are 'unclean, they have stepped out of God's Covenant...
the healing of the 'blind' represents what God says to Isreal, that they have eyes to see,
and ears to hear', but they do neither...BUT, eventually, they Shall SEE...
as far as the Samaritan woman is concerned, 'notice that she has had '5' husbands, which are:
Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome - everything that Jesus does, FITS INTO the Israel Pattern,
because, that's exactly whom He was sent to...
the woman with the issue of Blood, represents Israel, for her sins are as 'filthy rags'...
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