See if you can make your letters bigger. Great debate tactic 
Paul is correcting Peter because he was being a cowardly hypocrite (verses 11-12) Peter was eating with Gentiles until some people from the Apostle James church showed up. Then Peter withdrew and all the other Jews withdrew with him just for sole purpose of
dissimulation (dissimulation=pretence of following the law.)
Your passage offers further proof of separation of circumcision from the uncircumcision.
Your arguments are weak and I can pick them apart just as I did with this one. But I have better things to do with my time. So you folks do what you do best and pile up the spam.
Paul is correcting Peter because he was being a cowardly hypocrite (verses 11-12) Peter was eating with Gentiles until some people from the Apostle James church showed up. Then Peter withdrew and all the other Jews withdrew with him just for sole purpose of
dissimulation (dissimulation=pretence of following the law.)
Your passage offers further proof of separation of circumcision from the uncircumcision.
Your arguments are weak and I can pick them apart just as I did with this one. But I have better things to do with my time. So you folks do what you do best and pile up the spam.
Thats why paul CORRECTLY openly scolded peter for sin!