From their site:
"The Original Saints believed and taught that you MUST come clean with God in Repentance BEFORE the Holy Spirit would indwell. No one was 'Saved in sin or did any early Saint teach that man was Born in Sin. They understood that man possessed free and unhindered ability to Obey God and DO what was Right. "
Yep. Nothing but works-for-salvation/you must clean up your act before God will save you, heresy.
"The Original Saints believed and taught that you MUST come clean with God in Repentance BEFORE the Holy Spirit would indwell. No one was 'Saved in sin or did any early Saint teach that man was Born in Sin. They understood that man possessed free and unhindered ability to Obey God and DO what was Right. "
Yep. Nothing but works-for-salvation/you must clean up your act before God will save you, heresy.
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