It's actually the reason for my conversion to what I consider "truth" today. The idea of fallen angel theology never sat well with me
I do not talk about being a Unitarian much on this forum because the powers that run this forum, and most of the participants, are staunch Trinitarians. If you speak too much against the Trinity, or against the deity of Christ, you'll be banned. I'm prepared to be banned if it comes to that... But that's why I generally lay low on the topic. There's plenty of other things to talk about. Like annihiliationism vs the "immortal soul." Most people here are firmly in the "immortal soul" camp, but at least they don't ban you for discussing it.
There's my "cards on the table." How about yours?
as the idea of a tainted reward given by God didn't make sense.
How can a person be rewarded with immortality and eternity only to have free will to sin perpetually?
Anyway, I began to test the Christian belief in this imagined agent of evil, and well, it came up very short.
The study is a rewarding one as it opens up the understanding of many texts, which have been corrupted with these philosophical notions that stem back to ANE times.
We have crossed over a lot of themes already in this thread, so I will resist starting a new topic here.
The study is a rewarding one as it opens up the understanding of many texts, which have been corrupted with these philosophical notions that stem back to ANE times.
We have crossed over a lot of themes already in this thread, so I will resist starting a new topic here.
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