Originally Posted by ladylynn
This is a great topic ember! Another thought that comes to many people's minds as I've noticed here is the part about God's judgment and wrath. There are those here who don't know there IS no more judgment and wrath or guilt or shame for the child of God even while we are repenting.
Thanks Lynn...something I learned a few years back and that sticks with me, is actually not found in scripture but it makes sense and I think it applies. Horses can be funny animals...very hard to 'unteach' one and they sure learn bad habits fast (like people, you know?) anyway, an instructor once said to me...don't correct the horse ...just keep showing it the right way to do something...and you know what? it works! PLUS you need oodles of patience with horses and you need to end a lesson whether on the ground or in the saddle, on a good note
Jesus took all of that for us when He died on the cross. Yet there are those who keep trying to take some of it too when they sin. They don't know they can't take ANY OF IT AWAY by their feelings of sorrow or regret. Those feelings of guilt and trying to remedy it can't help spiritually. That is unsaved man's solution. We are not unsaved anymore. We go another way by denying the flesh in these matters as well.
I think guilt and condemnation play a pretty big part in that
Many don't apply this truth when they "repent" Changing your mind to align with God's truth can be at times hard when we think of how stupid we were when we didn't believe Him in the first place. I've often times told the Lord how sorry I am for not listening or not walking accordingly in the knowledge of all the love He has for me.
It's ongoing. In this life, we will never 'arrive' we have to pursue God..He says we will 'find' Him when we look for Him with our whole heart. I'm sure you know that
So in that I have regrets at the time I realize what I've done., but God has forgiven me already for that and then again I'm reminded of who I am in Christ and in seconds JOYFUL and re-charged again by the knowledge of His grace and truth. Now I can keep on keeping on without the snares of human sorrow that is not like Godly sorrow.
Sadly, many Christians seem to receive some kind of 'relief' from pointing out the sins of others...we have prob all done that...as in 'oh man, I'm so glad I don't do or have not done such and such So often, Christians can be the least forgiving on the planet...as though a person's 'performance' somehow indicates whether or not they have made the grade. We forget that none of us have 'made the grade'
Godly sorrow brings some major good stuff!! Human sorrow has shame and guilt and a standing back away from God. When God's repentance shows us the truth of our NEED TO COME BOLDLY TO THE THRONE OF GRACE TO FIND GRACE AND HELP IN TIME OF NEED!
Grace in time of need ... God makes it so plain He offers forgiveness AND acceptance...NOT rejection and condemnation.
He gives us fresh revelations each time we believe in the ones He gave before.
Does this mean we are free from feeling condemned all the time? Not me. It takes a fresh load of re-acquainting myself over again about the love of God In Christ. The unmerited favor I have because of Jesus. It is like the Bible says - it's what lifts us up from the dead!
Yup..we need fresh manna every day...
I must hear it and think about it when I go to bed and when I wake up. I put it on my tv on DVD and VHS tapes. I must read about it in the morning and write about it in the evening. I need to listen to it in my car and always keep it before my mind's eyes and ears and heart.
I come here on CC to re think and share it on these forums. The love of God is what will get us through and cause us to have faith in the One who first gave it to us. But our natural minds see the world and we have to make a choice of what eyes we use when we think about life here. Heb.11:111 Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses].
Much like those old testament saints who kept the Word on the door posts of their houses so they saw it and were reminded it of it over and over again. That is what we need to do. Or at least that is what I have to do. Because humans are so needy we need to always see Jesus and who we are IN Him. Then we will bear lots of fruit. That is what abiding is., seeing Jesus and our position in Him. True abiding like John 15:5 says. Without Him we can do nothing.
I think it's pretty clear we all need to keep the Word before us and refresh ourselves with it...otherwise, it's like a pool of water with no in or outflow...gets stale and no one can drink it

This is a great topic ember! Another thought that comes to many people's minds as I've noticed here is the part about God's judgment and wrath. There are those here who don't know there IS no more judgment and wrath or guilt or shame for the child of God even while we are repenting.
Thanks Lynn...something I learned a few years back and that sticks with me, is actually not found in scripture but it makes sense and I think it applies. Horses can be funny animals...very hard to 'unteach' one and they sure learn bad habits fast (like people, you know?) anyway, an instructor once said to me...don't correct the horse ...just keep showing it the right way to do something...and you know what? it works! PLUS you need oodles of patience with horses and you need to end a lesson whether on the ground or in the saddle, on a good note
Jesus took all of that for us when He died on the cross. Yet there are those who keep trying to take some of it too when they sin. They don't know they can't take ANY OF IT AWAY by their feelings of sorrow or regret. Those feelings of guilt and trying to remedy it can't help spiritually. That is unsaved man's solution. We are not unsaved anymore. We go another way by denying the flesh in these matters as well.
I think guilt and condemnation play a pretty big part in that
Many don't apply this truth when they "repent" Changing your mind to align with God's truth can be at times hard when we think of how stupid we were when we didn't believe Him in the first place. I've often times told the Lord how sorry I am for not listening or not walking accordingly in the knowledge of all the love He has for me.
It's ongoing. In this life, we will never 'arrive' we have to pursue God..He says we will 'find' Him when we look for Him with our whole heart. I'm sure you know that
So in that I have regrets at the time I realize what I've done., but God has forgiven me already for that and then again I'm reminded of who I am in Christ and in seconds JOYFUL and re-charged again by the knowledge of His grace and truth. Now I can keep on keeping on without the snares of human sorrow that is not like Godly sorrow.
Sadly, many Christians seem to receive some kind of 'relief' from pointing out the sins of others...we have prob all done that...as in 'oh man, I'm so glad I don't do or have not done such and such So often, Christians can be the least forgiving on the planet...as though a person's 'performance' somehow indicates whether or not they have made the grade. We forget that none of us have 'made the grade'
Godly sorrow brings some major good stuff!! Human sorrow has shame and guilt and a standing back away from God. When God's repentance shows us the truth of our NEED TO COME BOLDLY TO THE THRONE OF GRACE TO FIND GRACE AND HELP IN TIME OF NEED!
Grace in time of need ... God makes it so plain He offers forgiveness AND acceptance...NOT rejection and condemnation.
He gives us fresh revelations each time we believe in the ones He gave before.
Does this mean we are free from feeling condemned all the time? Not me. It takes a fresh load of re-acquainting myself over again about the love of God In Christ. The unmerited favor I have because of Jesus. It is like the Bible says - it's what lifts us up from the dead!
Yup..we need fresh manna every day...
I must hear it and think about it when I go to bed and when I wake up. I put it on my tv on DVD and VHS tapes. I must read about it in the morning and write about it in the evening. I need to listen to it in my car and always keep it before my mind's eyes and ears and heart.
I come here on CC to re think and share it on these forums. The love of God is what will get us through and cause us to have faith in the One who first gave it to us. But our natural minds see the world and we have to make a choice of what eyes we use when we think about life here. Heb.11:111 Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses].
Much like those old testament saints who kept the Word on the door posts of their houses so they saw it and were reminded it of it over and over again. That is what we need to do. Or at least that is what I have to do. Because humans are so needy we need to always see Jesus and who we are IN Him. Then we will bear lots of fruit. That is what abiding is., seeing Jesus and our position in Him. True abiding like John 15:5 says. Without Him we can do nothing.
I think it's pretty clear we all need to keep the Word before us and refresh ourselves with it...otherwise, it's like a pool of water with no in or outflow...gets stale and no one can drink it