Jere, the consequences of sin are that you have to confess and repent of them. That's all God asks, that we lay our dirty laundry before Him and acknowledge it. Then as far as He's concerned it's a forgiven deal. The problem is that we humans tend to hang onto it anyway. Once you confess and repent, any guilt you may feel comes from the enemy, not the Holy Spirit. And really that's what this is all about. Once you submit to a spiritual authority in sin you're submitted to a spiritual authority in sin - until you confess and repent of it before God. Once we lay these things into His hands, we regain authority in Christ to turn them away.
Bless you Jere. You're going to be a warrior, I know it. I mean, look where you've battled back to already. Once you get past satan's lies that God doesn't want you back, you're going to have him on the run.
Father honor Jere's faith and bear up his mind. May he have assurance of Your acceptance. Amen