WAhen I paraphrase, it is partly because when I had vision I read many versions of the Word in several languages. My paraphrasing is with understanding from above, I believe.
Usually my paraphrasing is accurate, and when it is not, the spirit-filled believer will know, for I trust the Father to assure this is so.
Now if you are here to accuse and not share your undersstanding fro the Word, may God bless you with the same approache when you lose your sight.. He has given me the blessing of seeing with a different sight, and it is better than 20/20 vision I can assdure you God bless you always, and understand others are not so perfect as all. May God bless you and ddgrant you patience with the Brethren.
If you do not know that we are all being molded into the image of the Father, Who is Spirit, perhaps it will come to you eventually.
To believe we remain gendered in the image of the Father is a very sad existence with more attention on things created than on that which has or is to become Spirit, for thankgs created will burn come thes Kingsom. God bless you with His understanding, wisdom and knowledge, for any other is temporal.