I don't know what voting Obama has to do with a person's faith. I mean, McCain wasn't exactly a good little boy either. McCain believed in homosexual marriage. So who do you vote for?
Who do you vote for? Well if you're into family values, how about the man who believes in gay marriage but is still married to his first wife??? Not only does McCain believe in homosexual marriage, he left his wheelchair bound wife for a yougner woman. That to me is so much less ok than gay marriage. Yes, I realize that she was a swimsuit model when he married her and the surgery she had caused her to loose height and put on weight and he probably thought "This is NOT the woman I married" and so he went to look for somone who fit the orignal idea of a wife. Ok, please exuse my sacrasam. I just find this so infurating that Christians care more about somone's views on homosexuality than adultery. See, the reason why this gets me so fired up is that I see non-Christians looking at this kind of thing and seeing Christians as hypocritical. My parents have been married since 1972 and they have seen a lot of their friends' marriages break up. There was one marriage where the wife came out as a lesbian, but the majority fell apart because of adultery, and it was overwhelmingly the man leaving the woman. One couple they know moved to Texas because the pay was higher and the taxes were lower (talk about mistake number one, hey?). Well, the husband eventually found a younger woman (and there are plenty of young women in the world happy to sleep with a heart surgon) and he left his wife. She waited tables to put him through med school and then gave up her career to raise his kids but when he wants to leave her, in Texas, he doesn't owe her anything. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a job when you've put your career on hold for a couple of decades? Do you think her daughter will be willing to give up her career for a family when she saw where that got her mom? This kind of thing happens a lot A LOT A LOT A LOT. This is such a huge threat to marriage, and notice it doesn't involve any homosexuality??? Like, I realize that Christians agree that adultery is wrong, but when it comes to voting, if a politiican is against abortion and homosexuality, they get the Christians stamp of approval, even if they've broken the "in sickness and in health... forsaking all others" that they took before God and man. Do you see what I mean by people thinking that Christians are hypocirical??
And what's the use of voting for someone who opposes abortion but then might invade a country on false pretenses resulting in the loss of thousands of lives?
You know, this issue gets me so much, I almost want to bring up the fact that abortion it's taking a life, but it's mostly white, middle class American lives. Think about about the demographic that gets an abortion in the USA. They're predominatly white, and they have money. And I'm not accusing them of being racist. I'm saying think about how this looks to non-Christians and to non-Americans, and how that reflects on Christianity.
But see what really makes me just want to pull my hair out about all this is that it's not that Christians are focusing on aboriton and homosexuality while largely ignoring all the other threats to life and family values, it's that they are actively supporting politicans that make it worse!!!!! Does that just not infuriate you????
There's supposed to be some sort of separation between church and state I thought.
This is a big issue. I oppose homosexual unions being blessed in churches but I support leagalized same-sex marriage. Why? Well, I'll get to why later, but when I ask people why they think it shouldn't be legal I get an answer that is Biblical. I'm like "I didn't ask you why you think it's wrong or that churches shouldn't preform gay marriage, I asked why you don't think they should lawfully marry??" And then I get this "What's the difference??" kind of answer. Well, should we make all sins in the Bible unlawful? The answer I get also is about how God gave us those rules for a reason and if they're good for us they must be good for the country. Well, Jews honestly believe that Kosher food is more healthy. I've read on Jewish sites that there are actual health hazards in having meat and dairy in the same meal (secular science does not support this, by the way) BUT how would you feel if they elected a candidate that outlawed non-Kosher meat and made it illegal to eat dairy and meat in the same meal?? Well, obvioiusly that's not something we think of because they don't have the numbers to do that. But really, think about that situation.