This is not a KJV thread. Regardless, you just demonstrated that satan was involved in the interpretation of the manuscripts and published editions used in the development of the KJV.
If God was involved in the development of the KJV, He was equally involved in the NIV, NEB, CEV, etc. Your argument is invalidated by your poor logic.
And i am guessing you are women who thinks you are equal to your husband, and lives in America, am i right? it is no wander to me, that you see it differently than what Scriptures says it should be. ... No, we don't agree because you are a woman that does not agree with Scriptures which teaches those things that you do not agree with. You justify yourself by saying you disagree with ME, when it is not me that you disagree with but what Scriptures teach concerning wives to their husbands.
I have explained already that a blue nickname indicates a male contributor.
Again, this is not a KJV thread. Your argument that people died for owning a KJV needs evidence, as does your assertion that God Himself protected it from satan. Your comment from the previous post invalidates this.
The length of time during which a translation is "dominant" in a given language has no bearing whatsoever on whether it is correct. The Vulgate was used for 1100 years, which trumps your "400 year" argument.
A translation doesn't save anyone. Get your soteriology straight.
††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††