It coul just be he is only referring to when a person has a choice of action to take to alleviate a wrong. As even our Lord has said, we will always have the poor to help when we want to.
Reason and common sense may be used when analyzing our own understanding, and of course we mus exercise mercy, even upon ourselves.
I have found that as people we are very keen either to excuse sin or to get too legalistic and make everything
sinful or be very pedantic so just being upset is sinful or fearful.
So the law seems to want to draw a line between that which is obviously sin, and that which is purified and
Peoples focus also drives there life, where the focus is not on avoiding evil or sin, but doing good and loving
from the heart. If one desires to do good to help and serve and to really love people, there is not time to
do evil or sin, or the intent. It is little wonder then those who spend their time in self indulgence and greed,
find sinful behaviour seems to come naturally. And not sharing ones wealth is a simple reaction against
others one feels who want to steal and miss appropriate what one has.