What a stupid thing to say. How long did any of those demons last in the face of Christ?
Christ stood His ground and the demons fled.
James 4:7
Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
Good men stand up against evil, they can't help but do it which, is why they are good men.
Christ stood His ground and the demons fled.
James 4:7
Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
Good men stand up against evil, they can't help but do it which, is why they are good men.
it is actually standing alongside evil, professing yourself to be in agreement with evil, supporting and encouraging evil, and therefore doing evil.
when a person does what is in their power to give evil preimenence and power, what is actually "a stupid thing to say" is that they are doing good by doing so. how much worse to say someone is doing evil by refusing to give the evil one power!
woe to them who call evil good!
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