I also think we must resolve, once and for all ...
Should all believers who have received the Holy Spirit
(to indwell them) be considered to have been "born again"?
IMO, those born-again are considered to have had
a change of heart, ideas, opinions, attitudes, etc.
Does God only give the precious Holy Spirit to
those He knows will have this precious change?
Paul writes to churches as if ALL members have the Spirit inside them!
But, IMO, it is ridiculous to assume this to be a fact.
This is why I always say:
Paul's writing style is filled with tact, edification, encouragement, etc.
even to the point of sarcasm when he says things such as:
"You guys would never do any of these things, now would you!"
And people reading him today actually think he is being serious.
I invite your comments on this.
P.S. my favorite passage is Romans 6:15-23 ...
where IMO, VERY few understand what Paul is really saying.