This is the essential essence of all the discussions. We are total beings, and as such take responsibility for our actions.
Any theology needs to explain human behaviour saved or unsaved. Once you start saying that is not me who did that that person is in denial of a reality of life. We choose.
Mystic notions introduce new identities which take ownership of good behaviour and deny bad behaviour.
Jesus simply says follow, and obey. But at its core mystics call this behaviour evil, trying to pretend to be like God working in their lives. The real problem is simple. Jesus is our Lord and this is what he said we should do.
I have yet to hear a good explanation why obedience fails. I think the argument is if it is your new spirit you will do the things anyway. The problem is all they also say is they do not do the things they should but that is because it is actually impossible, and the obedience is said only to prove you cannot.
But this is like saying I am defeated, but I have this secret ingredient which means I am no longer defeated except I still am, it just doesn't matter. But this is just a contradiction. Jesus did not die to bring us victory, just a free pass.
Now for saying this I am called a slanderer, etc.
So if this thread is saying we can walk in righteousness and purity, in reality not just imputed, I say amen.
But I do not think they are saying this, because it does not match what the group have said in the past and why they call us legalists and hypocrites, because they hold it is actually impossible. I find it very confusing this double speak.