Not at all, something I've commented on many times. ChristianChat is not a church congregation. Mainstream Reformed Christianity agrees on what would be a shocking amount of things to many here, never dispute a fraction of what you see disputed on the web, where it's a free-for-all of cults, tares, unbelievers and the like, all with a pulpit to spew lies.
There has been great agreement in the Christian community I was raised in and still know, which is not represented by the incessant disputing and terrible Bible exegesis going on here. Not by long shot, so you're wrong about that. The Spirit-filled Christian community I know has great harmony, are many, agree on and understand what many others don't here, in the Wild West that is not the church. Maybe your community is writhing in confusion, in which case you, and those of you claiming there's not truth Christians agree on, would do better to speak only for yourselves.