I’m very sorry to hear about your deteriorating health ailments and the disintegration of your family. You truly have endured a lot of pain and heartache.
I really appreciate the honesty in your post. With that same type of honesty, I request that you take some time to answer this question: Do you love Jesus?
It’s such a simple question, yet it also has profound depth. Think about how Peter, who denied the Lord three times, had to hear this question more than once on the same occasion from the risen Jesus (see John 21:14-19).
To further understand the profundity of this question, ponder the material presented by Brother Kel in the video below. If you do, I believe you will find some help in dealing with your current problems.
I really appreciate the honesty in your post. With that same type of honesty, I request that you take some time to answer this question: Do you love Jesus?
It’s such a simple question, yet it also has profound depth. Think about how Peter, who denied the Lord three times, had to hear this question more than once on the same occasion from the risen Jesus (see John 21:14-19).
To further understand the profundity of this question, ponder the material presented by Brother Kel in the video below. If you do, I believe you will find some help in dealing with your current problems.
But I don't want to not love Jesus. So why have I been put into all these situations that have caused me to feel this way and why am I being keep here. I didn't always feel this way and it didn't happen overnight. It is impossible for me to just change how I feel given what I deal with day in and day out.
I have also asked many times for Jesus to remove the negative feelings and thoughts because I am incapable of doing it myself?