Summary of Bible references on the Rapture

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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
How long will you seek after falsehood?

Psalm 4:2 O ye sons of men, how long shall my glory be turned into dishonor?
How long will ye love vanity, and seek after falsehood? Selah

I have many questions about January 6th, however, this congressional committee that investigated it seems to have wasted all their time and all their money seeking falsehood.

Questions I would like answered

1. Why wasn't Ray Epps charged?

2. Why was it OK to shoot and kill Ashley Babbit?

3. Why did the police wave the protestors in?

4. Why did Nancy Pelosi refuse the offer of the National Guard?

5. How many FBI assets were in place on Jan 6th?

6. Why was security at the capitol so light?

7. Who left the pipe bombs?

8. Why do they call this an insurrection if there were no weapons?

9. Why have we ignored the concerns of the protestors? In the last 15 months we have learned that they were right about election fraud.

10. Why is Trump telling people to protest peacefully incitement to violence but Schumer telling Kavanaugh that they will unleash the whirlwind on him, after his address was doxxed, and after mobs show up to his house and a man shows up with weapons to kill Kavanaugh, why is that not incitement to violence?


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
He makes a strong case that Shavuot is 3rd month, 15th day of the month. Very good summary of how to calculate the days.


John 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I come again, and will receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.


Acts 1:11 who also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye looking into heaven? this Jesus, who was received up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye beheld him going into heaven.

Sure sounds like the same day.

Now look at

1Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness;

He who was manifested in the flesh,
Justified in the spirit,
Seen of angels,
Preached among the [h]nations,
Believed on in the world,
Received up in glory.

Sure sounds like Paul is equating the ascension of Jesus with the rapture of the church

The whole basis for Jesus ascension being 10 days before Shavuot rests on a single verse in the Bible

Acts 1:3 to whom he also showed himself alive after his passion by many proofs, appearing unto them by the space of forty days, and speaking the things concerning the kingdom of God:

Look at the strange translation "by the space of forty days". The reason for this is the word for days can and often is translated as "times". You could say "Jesus met with the disciples 40 times speaking the things concerning the kingdom of God". If you say that Jesus taught a class on the kingdom of God and you met with Jesus 40 times during the semester this doesn't mean the semester is 40 days long.

Now on the other hand you can find an incredible volume in the Old Testament in typology and shadows and prophecies concerning Jesus incarnation, His life, His crucifixion, His death, His burial and His ascension. Why is it that Jesus birth, death, burial, and resurrection are very clearly punctuated with festivals and dress rehearsals but His ascension is not? Anyone who teaches Jesus ascended 10 days before Shavuot must explain that because it is completely contrary to the Spirit of the Bible. If you look at the types, shadows, and prophecies concerning Jesus ascension it is a huge thing in the Old Testament and yet we are to believe it happened on a day with absolutely nothing said about it?


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
The Math is Amazing

It is 7 complete Sabbaths and then the next day is Shavuot.

Many see that is 50 days but in so doing you would count the New Moon Sabbaths which are 2-3 days as simply one day.

Then we are told to count 50 days to the next feast. If they are doing the same count, 7 complete Sabbaths and then the next day, only this time we are not counting Sabbaths but we are counting Lord's days (8th day) then this will get us to the 9th day of Av. That is the same day that Noah released the dove (Holy Spirit) and the Raven (Antichrist).

Look at how simple this is, Shavuot would have to be the 15th of the third month, and Pentecost would have to be the 9th of AV.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Love this number 47

So he makes it very clear we have the number 50 three times,

50 days to Shavuot

50 days to Pentecost

50 days to Atonement

However, this 50 is composed of 3 numbers:

3 days

7 days

40 days

The completion of grace begins with resurrection power, infused into the church, worked out through a period of trial and testing.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020

How do you protect yourself?

1. do not allow anyone to control your speaking through donations. Only accept donations without any strings attached.

2. Do not allow others to control what you speak. The Bible, the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit these are the only ones who should be able to control your speaking.

We are supposed to be salt, light. We are not to put the light under a bushel basket. We are supposed to be a small mustard herb, not a great tree where evil birds can roost.

If you see a ministry that looks like a great tree and has a whole bunch of employees this should be a warning sign to you.

How many people were on John the Baptist's ministry? Even with Jesus apostles the one with the money bag was Judas. Anyone who thinks questioning their ministry is offensive is putting themselves above Jesus.

I have no patience for people who say they need money to run their ministry. There have been over 80,000 visitors to this blog. Not 80,000 visits, but 80,000 visitors. This does not count you twice if you visit twice. I donate money to this site every month, it is not too expensive for someone who has a job. I have no employees. There is no fee to visit this site and I do not provide any way for someone to donate even if they wanted to. The title is specifically designed to have salt in it and to discourage anyone looking for the sensational but to encourage genuine seekers of truth.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Hebrews -- River Crossers

I am watching this debate between Pastor Sandy and Dr. Barry Awe over Shavuot and it reminds me of the debate between the Apostle Paul and James the brother of the Lord. When the church first began we had the ministry to the uncircumcised and the ministry to the circumcised. Jesus Christ is the cornerstone that joins the Jews and the Gentiles.

However, in the New Testament it is the book of Hebrews which joins Paul's ministry to the uncircumcised with the various ministries to the circumcised.

What was the thread that they used in that book to stitch the two together? It was Jesus Christ, the effulgence of God's glory and the express image of His substance.

Shavuot is the feast of weeks and it is the feast of firstfruits. However, these 7 weeks or 50 days are in a set of 3. There is the firstfruits of wheat, the firstfruits of wine and the firstfruits of oil. So then what is wheat, wine and oil? It is the express image of God's substance. It is a shadow of the effulgence of God's glory.

I know that everyone wants to be in the first rapture and as a result of that there is the thought that being left behind is not as good. I have a different view on that based on my experience.

What do you mean by saved?

Everyone wants their friends and family to be saved, but what do you mean by that? I want them to have all the experiences of Jesus and the Spirit and salvation that I had. I want them to have the experience of the fellowship of Christ's sufferings and I also want them to have the experience of the outstanding resurrection.

When I was a kid I played on a PeeWee football team for two years. The first year I was on the second string defense as the nose guard, and the third string offense as left guard. However, I was like the 12th man on the first string defense because any time the coach wanted to throw a nose guard at the other team I'd go in for the middle linebacker. The first string would be invited to the coaches house for breakfast and I was invited, so it felt like being on the first string. Anyway we went to Florida to play our bowl game. In that game the 2nd string defense played half the game and the third string offense played half the game. So I played more than any other player in our championship game. Imagine going to the awards ceremony and all you ever did was sit on the bench? Who wants that? To me being saved is not merely being on the roster, it is being in the game. If you sat on the bench prior to the tribulation then who wants to be raptured, put me in coach, let me play and then when I get to heaven I also will have experiences of Jesus and nothing to be ashamed of.

My second year on that team I played on both the first string offense and the first string defense. However, in most games the first string was pulled out after the first quarter. So being on the first string meant you played less than anyone else on the team!

It was very interesting, we had this one kid on the first string named Jenkins and my dad would talk about what a great runner he was, how he reminded him of Jim Brown, and how he was so good at following his lead blockers. But on the team there was no sense of ego. Why was that? Well, Jenkins was rarely the lead runner in the game. He only played for one quarter and would often only score one or two touchdowns per game. In that championship game in Florida the leading runner in the game was on the third string. So no one had any boasting over any other.

During my second year I was middle linebacker for the defense in our championship game in Texas. We were winning six nothing when we fumbled inside our own ten yard line and they recovered. In the huddle I told everyone this could be the pivotal point of the game, we were close to half time, if they score here they could go in with a 7-6 lead and the whole game could turn on this one series. Yasgur (one of the outside linebackers, Jenkins was the other, told me to call the play). Yasgur and Jenkins were the two captains. As soon as he told me to call it I did, we held and went on to win 12-0.

On this team I see Dr. Barry and Pastor Sandy as these two linebackers and two captains. We need to knit this together with the Jesus, the effulgence of God's glory and the express image of His substance.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
We must pay more careful attention to the ascension of Jesus

Hebrews 2:1We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away. 2For if the message spoken by angels was binding, and every violation and disobedience received its just punishment, 3how shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation? This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard him.

The point of chapter 1 is that we must pay more careful attention to what we have heard. So let's go back to chapter 1 and see if we missed anything.

1 God, having of old time spoken unto the fathers in the prophets by divers portions and in divers manners, 2 hath at the end of these days spoken unto us in his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, through whom also he made the worlds; 3 who being the effulgence of his glory, and the very image of his substance, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had made purification of sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; 4 having become by so much better than the angels, as he hath inherited a more excellent name than they.

This book is talking about Jesus when "He sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; having become by so much better than the angels, as he hath inherited a more excellent name than they". This is talking about the ascension, the crowning ceremony, Jesus becoming Lord of Lord's and King of Kings.

Do you realize Christianity has drifted away from this. When they say that this verse or that verse is antiquated, out of date, spoken by people from a different culture, etc. They are drifting away from Jesus being Lord of all. The word of God is binding. We have been given a great salvation. But if you drift away with the apostasy how shall you "escape". The New Testament uses all kinds of terms: harpazo (snatched away), parousia, gathering together, redemption of our body, hope of glory, etc. The Lord's ascension is also a promise of our escape. Jesus said that if he goes He will prepare a place for us and then He will come again so that we could be where He is. Where is He? He is sitting on the right hand of the majesty on high! Seriously? We will be with Him at the right hand of the majesty on high? Yes, that is why they say (Paul and James?) that it is "so great a salvation".


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
All these things

Matthew 24:8 But all these things are the beginning of travail.

The Lord is not saying some war is a sign of His coming or some rumor or some famine or some earthquake. No, He is saying "all these things" happening together are a sign of His coming.

Inflation is not a US problem, it is a worldwide problem. Do not be deceived, the whole world is tied to the US currency, so if the US is inflating their dollar it will affect everyone. They do this so that they can pay off debts from years ago with dollars that are inflated. Everyone who is holding US debt is being impacted, they know it and they hate it. Also, the only one who is speaking the truth about the war in Ukraine is Russia. This is WWIII. Russia, Ukraine, NATO, the US are all at war. China and Taiwan are essentially at war. Iran and Israel are at war. We are looking at the entire world being involved in this war. The Pandemic was an act of war, every country affected by the pandemic is in this war. Earthquakes have increased 10 fold. Not 10%, 10 fold. If you prefer percent then 1,000% increase. Kind of strange that the media has not picked up on this. Also, NASA is reporting not just that UFO's are real but they are now sending out signals to the entire universe as a kind of invitation to their "coming out party". This is the great deception. The lie will be that the rapture is an alien abduction. All these things happening together, all at once, that is the sign of the Lord's coming.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Everyone should hear this message.

One thing I would point out, this term "rumors of war" doesn't mean your grandmother at the Bingo parlor, it means the CIA and Psyops. It is very unique to this generation. Prior to democracy there was no need for the CIA to manipulate the populace into wanting to go to war. Dictators and Kings do not need to do this.

The CIA, KGB, Mossad, and MI6 are all the result of the influence of democracy and representative government.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
"The world is ending and we are supposed to be sharing the gospel"

Today I was handing out NT's at a food bank. I told them this NT had a special feature I wanted to show them. I would open it up and show how easy it would be to rip out the bible from the cover (these are inexpensive NT's the Gideon's hand out). I showed them how once you did that you could divide the NT into a bunch of smaller little packets of pages. I said "suppose next week the Lord returns, He raptures the church, and the two of us are left behind. The first thing I will do is rip off this cover and throw it away and then hide these little portions of scripture. That way when they come to take your Bible away I'll hand them my big bible and say "oh darn, you got it". I then told them how the early church did this because of the persecution and that all of our best manuscripts are pieced together. We have never found one complete original manuscript of the NT. I said during the tribulation it will be just like the early church and you will be able to experience all those cool things you read about in Acts.

I was very upbeat and happy but I think many as they heard this were not so sure they wanted to be around during the tribulation. Then I asked "do you want to pray". That is a very hard thing to say no to. If you ask "do you want me to pray for you or with you" well that is very easy to say no to.

When you preach the gospel people need to realize they need the savior. Once that realization hits them it is time to pray.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Tongues of fire

Acts 1:14 These all with one accord continued stedfastly in prayer, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren.

This verse suddenly struck me, the word "one accord". Suppose prior to the ascension they weren't in one accord. Suppose some wanted to go back to fishing, others wanted to start a revolution. Suppose there was bickering, fighting, and many different opinions about the way forward. In other words, suppose it was just like today with all the polarized, politicized, speech flying back and forth. There are people who want to riot in the streets, others who want to return to the way things used to be, still others who have gotten involved in politics, others concerned about "stopping the steal", etc. But once they saw the ascension of the Lord it was the fulfillment of the word about "his fan is in his hand". All of a sudden all those opinions were like chaff, blown away by seeing the Lord ascend. It could be the same thing with the rapture.

Imagine all the different Christians with all the different opinions about what is going on right now and they see the rapture. Then for the next two months the genuine ones are doing what? They are in an upper room in one accord. All those denominational differences and theological disputes get thrown out the window like chaff being blown away in the wind.

But now instead of 120 there are 144,000 in this upper room praying (cyberspace?). What happens on Pentecost? These 144,000 go forth into the whole earth with tongues of fire preaching and witnessing. We are seeing the multiplication of this gospel, Satan has been able to do nothing to stop it or slow it. It is multiplying exponentially.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Judgement comes to all

Your world has reached the boiling point and is beginning to boil over as I strike judgement upon judgement on your once great nation and world.

You have become a stumbling block to most nations.

You shall fall before an hour has come full circle on the face of a clock. Famine shall become instantaneously rampant. People homeless and devastated while others dead. This is the judgement on your nation after repeatedly failing to repent.

You shall be an example to the other nations of a nation that forgot their Holy God and creator.

I shall protect those that are mine. Some I shall call home. Some I shall return for and some shall endure to the end.

If you (sinner) stretch forth your hand towards my anointed ones and prophets I will step in and enforce my full judgement as it is ordered in the courts of heaven.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Deliver my soul, O Lord, from lying lips!

Let's review what we know to be true and what we know to be lies

1. Several scientists both in the China and the US warned that Covid19 could turn into a pandemic. This was in the Fall of 2019 and January of 2020. They were attacked, killed, ridiculed and canceled. Yet we know everything they told us was true and it was based on science. We also know there was no basis on which to attack these ones.

2. Steve Bannon began "War Room Pandemic" a podcast that was warning concerning China and the pandemic in January of 2020. He was attacked, ridiculed, mocked as a right wing nut pushing tin foil hat conspiracies, yet he has been fully vindicated. His podcast recently passed the 100 million mark, his ratings have been destroying CNN which doesn't have a single show with a million viewers anymore. Truth overcomes lies, and the light overcomes the darkness.

3. President Trump shut down travel to Wuhan and he was attacked for being xenophobic.

4. Fauci undermined President Trump saying there was no reason to shut down travel to Wuhan, a major error of judgement on his part.

5. Fauci was responsible for making sure the US had enough PPE and this was a second major error on his part.

6. Fauci claimed the pandemic came from a Bat cave and a wet market and that there was no evidence that it came from a bioweapons lab. This was a bold faced lie, even more so since he funded research at the Wuhan bioweapons lab using these very same viruses and since emails flew back and forth thanking him for taking the spotlight off of Wuhan.

7. Fauci and his friends put together a phony scientific document claiming the pandemic came from the Bat cave only to later be shown to be bold faced lies.

8. Fauci told us that masks don't work to prevent you from getting the disease, then told us they do, then told us two masks are better than one, then mandated the masks to everyone including kids.

9. Fauci pushed social distancing of 6 feet based on studies that were done, however the study that was done said that 3 feet was virtually as good as 6 feet. 3 feet would have allowed schools and businesses to stay open, six feet (an arbitrary number not based on science) forced all the businesses and schools to close. How many times will Fauci lie to you before you realize he isn't incompetent he is trying to destroy you.

10. President Trump said that HCQ, a simple substance that can be bought online, no need for a prescription (or you can make it from lemon peels and grapefruit peels) could be used to help those who have Covid. He was mocked, attacked, ridiculed and became the butt of all these jokes for suggesting we could inject bleach. As it turns out the science does support the use of HCQ and it has been proven to be both safe and effective against virtually any virus. Think of these monsters who lied to you so that you would not get the cure.

11. Fauci banned the use of HCQ and supported the mockery of Trump. Once again completely wrong on this decision. This decision is estimated to have killed tens of thousands of people. Is it too much to compare him to Josef Mengele?

12. Fauci called Cuomo the "gold standard" on how to deal with the pandemic. We now know that Cuomo killed over ten thousand seniors by sending contagious people to nursing homes. Since we know all this it is no longer a conspiracy theory to think they are out to kill us.

13. During the election Harris made disparaging remarks and expressed concern over the vaccine and said she would not get it. After the election she is all for mandating the vaccine.

14. Biden and Psaki both said it was unconstitutional to mandate the vaccine and they wouldn't do that. They lied.

15. The "vaccine" is not a vaccine. The definition of a vaccine is that it makes you immune to the disease (this does not do that) and it prevents you from transmitting this disease to others (this does not do that either). So calling this a vaccine is a lie.

16. We were told that the vaccine gave you better protection against the virus than natural immunity you get from recovering from the disease. That has been proven to be false, natural immunity is about 20x better according to scientific, peer reviewed studies, and it is more durable lasting perhaps as long as 10 years (based on immunity to SARS that we can measure).

17. We were told that they would not mandate booster shots. Another lie.

18. We are now being told that this life saving medicine, a wonderful blessing to humanity to save us all alive, is being offered to us free of charge and if you don't get this medicine you will lose your job and will be excommunicated from society. If the vaccine is so great why do you have to force people to take it?

Psalm 120
1 In my distress I cried unto Jehovah,
And he answered me.
2 Deliver my soul, O Jehovah, from lying lips,
And from a deceitful tongue.
3 What shall be given unto thee, and what shall be done more unto thee,
Thou deceitful tongue?
4 Sharp arrows of the mighty,
With coals of juniper.
5 Woe is me, that I sojourn in Meshech,
That I dwell among the tents of Kedar!
6 My soul hath long had her dwelling
With him that hateth peace.
7 I am for peace:

But when I speak, they are for war.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
The Bible tells us that life is a game

I would describe human life as a video game. This game reveals your heart and at the same time is able to infuse you with the word of God if you choose.

1Corinthians 9:25 And every man that striveth in the games exerciseth self-control in all things. Now they do it to receive a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.

Even though I use a video game as an analogy Paul uses the "games" referring to the Greek Olympics.

2 Timothy 2:5 And if also a man contend in the games, he is not crowned, except he have contended lawfully.

Interesting points. You have to train, exercise self control in your diet, in your work out, in your training. But also, you cannot use performance enhancing drugs, you cannot "cheat". If you cheat you will be caught and then you will not be crowned either.

Matthew 12:36 And I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

This sounds incredible, but if life is a video game it is simple. Every "idle" word could easily be flagged by the computer and then one by one you would have to give account of them.

Revelation 10:6 And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer:

This is an amazing verse and even 120 years ago it was so hard to believe that the 1901 American Standard version translated time as "delay". However, if life is a video game then the time function in the game would not have any bearing on us once we are outside of that game. It is fully reasonable that in the game you are given 80 years, perhaps as much as 120 if you maximize all your health, but once the game is over that is no longer relevant.

Hebrews 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

This game is huge, everyone is watching, everyone is interested and of course they are. Depending how you do will determine everything about your eternity. Hebrews 12 follows Hebrews 11, the hero's of faith. Those are ones who are especially interested, they want to know who will join them for eternity. They are cheering us on. After all if the example that Noah set or that Abraham set helps us to run the race it is even that much more of a reward to them. To run this race you need to drop every weight and every sin. These are two different things. Weight would refer to guilt. Wash yourself in the Lord's blood, wash in the word, get rid of every unnecessary burden. People in this world become focused on material gain, but everything you own is a weight that is weighing you down. Your ego is a weight weighing you down. But also your sin is not hidden, those watching the game can see your sin, they see your lies, they see your skeletons in your closet. Again, the only way to deal with all that is with the blood of Jesus.

Finally, run with patience. In order to have a perfect work we need patience. It is like making an airplane. The Wright brothers studied, theorized, and experimented. Little by little they got their plane to be able to fly a few feet, then more and eventually to be able to fly for a great distance. But was that perfect? No one would want to take that plane as a commuter plane. You need more and more work. GPS, all the various instruments that are so necessary for the plane to work. Finally someone had to invent a jet engine. That is an amazing feat of engineering. Do you realize that a jet engine operates at a temperature greater than the melting temperature of the metal it is made of? Not only so but each fan is pushing a weight similar to the weight of a small car. If you were to get an obstruction the size of a pea in the wrong spot the entire engine would explode.

This is a relay race, the Wright brothers were certainly hero's in the pursuit of manned flight, but they did not invent jet engines and no doubt they are quite interested in watching all the developments.

Now think about it, if this life is a video game then everything is vanity. It is like having hotels and property in the board game of Monopoly. None of that is real.

Ecclesiastes 1:2 Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.

The purpose of the game is not to amass "wealth", or to "have fun", or to have "pleasures" or to be at ease. The only things that will last into eternity are Faith, Hope and Love.