Summary of Bible references on the Rapture

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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Therefore God is not ashamed to be called His God

Hebrews 11:16 But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.

Can you imagine that after appearing before the Judgement seat of Christ the judgement is that He is ashamed to be called your God!



Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Why God?

Have you ever wondered, like Job, why?

I was impressed the other day that man is made in the image and likeness of God. I was sharing with someone that there are some seeds that need a forest fire before they will germinate. If you were a seed for a redwood what chance would you have to grow up beneath all those towering 100 foot high trees? But if there is a forest fire then you have your chance.

Someone did a movie called "March of the Penguins" and it describes the absolutely brutal conditions that these Emperor penguins go through just to be hatched. Why? By going to that barren, frozen, land of darkness the predators cannot get the eggs. These penguins are so tough that they would endure six months of "hell" to bring forth the next generation.

Creation is filled with these stories, I could share more, but the point is that Creation expresses our God, but not as clearly and completely as man does. Only of man does it say we are created in the image and likeness of God. Why did Job have to go through that?

Think about Ronnie Lott, a football player. He mangled his pinky finger in a football game. It was going to take weeks to heal it and so he was going to miss the playoff games. Ronnie asked "if I cut the pinky off can I play?" and that is what they did. There is a book about a man called "Between a rock and a hard place" about how he was pinned beneath a boulder and had to cut his arm off to save his life. We are in the image and likeness of God. Satan thinks the tribulation will cause God's people to reject God, he will be put to an open shame during the tribulation. He doesn't understand what we are made of, whose image we are, and whose superscription we have written on us.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it.

Notice -- a third die, a third die, a third die -- that is a sample, a warning. But then He turns it up to "all die".

Life without Jesus is like having a deadly, incurable cancer. When you look at the tribulation what do you see? You see those animated by Satanists focusing the attack on believers. God removes the believers and as He removes the believers from earth He removes "Jesus" from earth and so we see what life becomes without Jesus.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
They that feared the Lord spake often one to another

Malachi 3:16 Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name.

17 And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.

18 Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not.

Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation

Revelation 3:10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.

If I go to prepare a place for you I will come again

John 14:1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Here is one more warning

A Teacher's discipline

I taught for many years in the NYC Public school system, the high school. I saw many bizarre things, I saw a kid stand up in the front row of the class and take off his pants. When I tried to write him up for discipline the Administration rejected any kind of punishment. I had to spend several hours going through the Chancellor's regulations and doing a two page write up with chapter and verse of the various regulations and then email it to them to get an appropriate response.

I was in a meeting where a parent was irate that I had not recommended her daughter for Chemistry because her daughter was going to be a doctor and needed that (her daughter never spoke, just looked at her lap). The principal said that I should just recommend the kid. I had to bring up her labs in my class and point out that in measuring the desk with a ruler she had said it was 100 meters in length. That didn't mean anything to the mother so I had to point out that the football field outside is less than 100 meters in length. The point is if you put this girl into the Chemistry class it means another kid cannot go to that class. We have limited space.

I have seen principals change grades. They are allowed to add ten points to any grade without even consulting a teacher. We discovered this because kids who had failed still graduated.

My point is you cannot simply say that Satan is a liar, a thief and a murderer. You better have iron clad proof, irrefutable proof. Not only so, but even if you had irrefutable proof of something a kid did the next question is "did you warn the kid -- has that been documented". Also, did you call the parent? If it turns out that the parent wasn't suitably notified then the principal will throw out the offense and the punishment. I learned my lesson and used robo calls to make about 100 calls a week. These were not disciplinary calls, simply notifications of tests, failing grades, etc. You can't use a robo call to make a disciplinary call. However, when I told kids I would call they believed me because every week a 100 out of 150 kids was getting a call. If it was a notification of an upcoming test everyone got the call. But a lot of other notifications only applied to half or two thirds of the kids. I wouldn't just send out calls on kids who were on the verge of failing but also for those who were only a couple of points away from raising their grade by five points (if you had a 72 average I'd call because a 72.5 would be rounded up to a 75).

Then I had a parent complain that her child was being punished for something she had never been advised of. I pulled out the copy of the class rules that had been sent home and she had signed. She then objected to the language of that rule. The writing of the rule was absolute but she wanted it to be changed to something that was more of a guideline. I asked the principal what word she would suggest. She made the suggestion and then I pointed out that if I wrote that it would become meaningless, no one would know what it said.

What is my point?

My point is that Satan is far worse than any student or parent I ever ran into and the incarnated word of God is far better than me. Sinners have been warned repeatedly for thousands of years and repeatedly over the last 80 years. It has been in writing, it has been orally, it has been from the Bible, it has been on Youtube, in Church, in gospel preaching. This is just one example of those warnings of this impending attack on the US. You have been told where (the major cities on the coastline of the US). You have been told how (suitcase nukes). You have been told when (immediately after the rapture -- there are many posts in this blog that point to this year as the year of that rapture and to Shavuot as the time of that rapture). Here is one more warning.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
He that keepeth thee will not slumber

Psalm 121 I will lift up mine eyes unto the mountains: From whence shall my help come?

Right now people are looking for help. They appealed to the courts, to the unions, to the US constitution. They looked to the church and their pastors. The vaccine mandates are causing people to seek help. They don't trust them, they have seen the government has lied to them, and yet if they don't get the vaccine they lose their jobs. The message from the Lord is to lift up your eyes and look to Him.

2 My help cometh from Jehovah, Who made heaven and earth.

Step 1 you lift up your eyes to the mountains, step 2 you see that your help comes from the Lord and not from anyone else. It doesn't come from Trump, or the Supreme court, or your union. Instead you see that Jesus is Lord, He warned you all this would happen thousands of years ago, He saw all of this, He made all of this, you can trust Him. Let's be real, Biden has done a very poor job as President, but regardless of who was president the world was heading for calamity. What we are seeing is the result of 50 years of policies. Yes, the last twelve months have been the cherry on top, but there has been a whole lot of evil that preceded this.

3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: He that keepeth thee will not slumber.

Right now it is like a tug of war, the government, the mayor, the president, the FDA, the WHO all of them are aligned on one side trying to pull the entire world to take this vaccine. If you try to pull against them with your unions, and your own strength you will be moved. Instead, take this rope and loop it around the word of God. The word is like a solid, immovable pole. They can pull as hard as they wish and your feet will not be moved.

He that keepeth thee will not slumber. Wow, I love how these two are in apposition. The word was once for all written down, we have the written word, immovable. However, at the same time we have the Lord's spoken word, He is the one speaking to us, encouraging us, strengthening us to stand in the faith. He will not slumber as the instant speaking word, the Rhema, the life giving Spirit.

Contrast Him with the world. Right is wrong, wrong is right, everything has moved and everyone is asleep.

4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel Will neither slumber nor sleep.

Step 1 we look to the hills, step 2 we realize our help comes from the Lord, step 3 we are one with the word of God both the written and spoken word, and now step 4 we behold the Lord. Focus on the Lord of all. How? He will not slumber or sleep. He told us to watch with Him. There are believers who are one with the Lord and they are one with the Lord who is speaking, who is keeping Israel, who is not slumbering or sleeping.

5 Jehovah is thy keeper: Jehovah is thy shade upon thy right hand. 6 The sun shall not smite thee by day, Nor the moon by night.

If we lose our job will we be smitten by the sun by day or by the moon by night? Will we have to work digging ditches or will we be homeless? We have a promise here, the sure words of God, the answer is no. Yes there is terrible inflation coming but everyone will be affected, what is the point of pushing all of them onto the street? We are about to have a great depression, but again, the Lord will care for his own. Many will be raptured prior to the tribulation and those that aren't will experience the miracles we saw during His ministry in the gospels.

7 Jehovah will keep thee from all evil; He will keep thy soul.

Right now we are surrounded by all evil, yet we have a promise that we will be kept from it. We will be like Daniel in the Lion's den or like his three friends in the furnace of fire. We are watching school shootings, horrible crimes in the streets, on the subway. Hide yourself beneath the Lord's wings and you will be kept from all evil. That is His promise.

8 Jehovah will keep thy going out and thy coming in From this time forth and for evermore.

What time forth? We are at the doorway to eternity!


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Some Conclusions

1. Shavuot is the best case for the rapture.

A. It is the feast of firstfruits for the wheat harvest and our rapture is likened to the wheat harvest.
B. The saints who are raptured are called the firstfruits.
C. Moses going up the mountain was a type of Christ's ascension
D. 1Timothy 3:16 equates the rapture of the church with the ascension of the Lord
E. The wave offering is a type of the rapture and on Shavuot there is a wave offering of the two loaves. Do they depict Jews and Gentiles or do they depict the dead saints and those who are still alive. Either way, points to the rapture of the church.
F. Hebrews 12 compares and contrasts the Lord's ascension and the Church's rapture with Shavuot.
G. John 14:3 and Acts 1:11 point to the rapture as being ascension day. Ascension day is Shavuot, you cannot base a doctrine on one verse and there is only one verse that would indicate Ascension was ten days before Shavuot.

2. 2022 is the best year for the rapture

A. The fig tree generation being 70-80 years beginning May 14, 1948 puts all these things taking place culminating in Jesus coming openly on the clouds happening prior to May 14, 2029. Since the tribulation is 7 years long and the best estimate is that the tribulation begins on Feast of Trumpets that would be six and a half years from this feast of trumpets.
B. It is abundantly clear that this election in November will sweep all the Satanists and FreeMasons out of office. Right now our government is run by those who worship Baal. They cannot afford to lose the election and will burn down the country and the world before they let that happen. I think that is a strong reason why the tribulation cannot wait another year.
C. Many prophecies and dreams and visions point to this war in Ukraine with Russia being the start of the prophecy in Daniel about the bear eating much flesh and Ezekiel 38 about Russia and a coalition of Islamic nations attacking Israel.
D. Pastor Sandy Armstrong has done a wonderful job of expounding on the Psalms as being prophetic about the rapture taking place this year.
E. The 2017 sign in the heavens was a major sign, tied with the fig tree prophecy concerning waiting a fourth year and dunging it before cutting it down brings us to the year which is the "dung year" which happened to be the fourth year after that sign. Therefore it is time to either reap fruit from those that are bearing fruit and chop down those that aren't (tribulation).
F. The Millstone dream by Dana Coverstone where he appeared to have seen a drogue stone from Noah's ark fall out of heaven and be like a millstone around the neck of the US indicates the rapture and the judgement of the Great Babylon this year.
G. Several dreams by Vicky Goforth Parnell appear to indicate that the periods extending grace are over and that judgement will begin this year.

3. Signs point to this year

A. Return of Israel to the Jews in 1948 points to this year.
B. Revelation 12 sign points to this year.
C. Man swallowed by a whale a year ago reminds us of the Lord's word concerning the sign of Jonah.
D. We are seeing many signs that the US is Sodom and Gomorrah, reminding us of the Lord's word concerning Lot.
E. Joel tells us that we will have a worldwide pandemic and economic shutdown as a sign that the Day of the Lord is at hand.
F. Ezekiel 38 tells us that Russia will attack Israel with a coalition of Islamic nations and that for seven years Israel will be able to burn the fuel from that invading army. This current invasion of Iraq seems to point to that happening sooner rather than later.
G. Street protests were another aspect to "the sign of Jonah" and we saw that with the BLM and Stop the Steal rallies.
H. The book of Esther indicates there would be an attempted coup by the palace guard and that is what we have seen in the US.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
A personal testimony of mercy triumphing (part 1)

In 8th grade we did a mock presidential election. There were four candidates and four campaign managers. My best friend was running and I was his campaign manager. He won the election and afterwards we all met with the teachers and they announced that all four candidates and the other three campaign managers would all get an A for the assignment and that I would get a B. I asked why, since we had won why wouldn’t I get an A. They said they didn’t think I had worked hard enough. That was a revelation to me, I had no idea that teachers would grade you not just on the product but also on how hard they thought you had worked. My thought was no one cares what your grades are in 8th grade, the only grades that matter are in high school and I am going to use this new found intelligence to help me do better in High school.

Romans 8:28 28 And we know that to them that love God all things work together for good, even to them that are called according to his purpose.

I vowed to make sure my teachers in high school saw every bit of work I did. My plan was at 3 pm lock all your books and notebooks in your locker and leave them in school. If you don’t take them home you can’t do any work at home (I was on five different teams while in High School so I had to lock them up at 3 since my teams started then). I figured out that I could do all my math homework while walking to and from classes. I would do English during homeroom when I had 20 minutes sitting at a desk and could write. I would write out my papers or do Social studies homework during lunch period. Everything was working out OK until about six weeks into the semester when we had our first test. I hadn’t scheduled any time to study for tests. What was worse, I was using every spare minute in the day to do the work during school so I had to come up with a way but I didn’t have any time I could spare. It seemed impossible (I was praying for the Lord to give me time to study for every single class without giving him anymore time, I thought it was absolutely absurd) and it seemed like my little experiment was going to end when I got this brilliant idea from the Lord. I would study for my tests during class. My plan was simple, it is pointless to take notes since I don’t have any time to read them. Instead I would focus intently on the teacher, pay attention to every word they said and so not only was I learning the subject but I was “studying for the test” at the same time. I found during exams I could play reruns of exactly what the teacher had said in class and very often they asked the same question on the test and then answered it in class. I felt this was one of the best discoveries I made, but there were others.

James 1:5 But if any of you lacketh wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth to all liberally and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

Sometimes I would get home and then realize I had a ton of work that was due the next day and I would be terrified. I would spend thirty minutes maybe more going over my schedule again and again to figure out how I could get everything done during the day and on time. Often this would require that I get to the school at 7:30 (that is when they first unlocked the doors to students). Here I learned another secret. Is it better to sit by your locker and do the work or should you first go to the first period class and sit there? I learned that it was better to go to the class. If you sit by the locker when it is time to go to the class the hallway is crowded, costing you a minute or two, and you have to pack up everything wasting even more time. Then when you get to the class the teacher might not have arrived yet but it isn’t worth unpacking everything. Instead you sit by the door of the class, when the teacher comes you simply pick up everything and go to your seat. Often there are still five more minutes before the class starts that you can use as well.

Luke 6:38 give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, shall they give into your bosom. For with what measure ye mete it shall be measured to you again.

I also learned something else, half of my classmates were sleep walking. They would talk about staying up till 2 in the morning. Then in school they would be like zombies. My situation was very different. Practice would be over at 6, I’d get home before 7, eat dinner, listen to music for an hour, plan out my day, and then go to sleep. I tried to get 9-10 hours of sleep every night. Since I couldn’t do the school work at home I had to be very sharp during the day.

Ephesians 5:14 Wherefore he saith, Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall shine upon thee.

While in 11th grade I came up to a situation where no matter how I tried to figure it out I would not be able to turn in my paper on time. This would be the first time in three years I was late with an assignment. I had told the Lord I would do this as long as I was not late with an assignment so this was a really big deal. I prayed about this, I gave it to the Lord, but the next day I felt like I was walking to the executioner. I knew a lot of kids requested extra time on papers but I felt ashamed. Then in school one of my teachers was absent and the note on his door said to go to the library for the period! Inside I was hallelujah, I spent the entire period writing the paper and so I never did turn in an assignment late during those three years, but I knew it was “but for the grace of God”.

James 5:17 Elijah was a man of like passions with us, and he prayed fervently that it might not rain; and it rained not on the earth for three years and six months. 18 And he prayed again; and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.

In the Spring of my junior year I was deciding what colleges to apply to. My mom came to the school to visit the guidance counselor and she looked at my schedule and saw I had a free period so she told my mom she knew where I would be and wanted her to come and see me. I was in this room where the kids go during a free period. They were playing cards, and board games and other games. I was in the back corner writing out a paper furiously. The way I did my research papers is I would spend weeks thinking about it but it would all be in my head and then I would have a free period designated to write out the paper. The paper I was writing was a big research paper and it was due the next period so I was completely engrossed and writing furiously to get it done on time. The guidance counselor turned to my mom and said “he is the hardest working student we have ever seen”. Think about that, in 8th grade I was getting graded down because I wasn’t working hard even though they only saw a small portion of what I was doing, here teachers were grading me up because I was, not just a hard working student, but “the hardest working student they had ever seen”. My mom said it was all she could do to keep her mouth from hitting the floor. She said she had never seen me with a book! My younger brother was a struggling B and C student, and I’d be there just listening to music not doing any homework. The rule in our house was that as long as I got A’s my parents wouldn’t hassle me about school. I was straight A so they never said anything. For three years I never took a book home, that includes during weekends and holidays.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
A personal testimony of mercy triumphing (part 2)

Matthew 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured unto you.

For my senior year I went to a private school in England. During that year I did a few things to offend one of the teachers and I was severely punished, being grounded for several months. The headmaster said that if he had known everything I had done he would have expelled me, but since I had already been punished for some of the things he didn’t feel it right to take that into account again. He also said he was going to show me mercy since some of the things I did were close to my birthday. To me being near my birthday was meaningless, I kept quiet, but later I learned that my birthday is the third day of Passover and so I feel that is God the Father telling me He is showing me mercy because of that day. Then my final exam in the Geology class was going to be 3 essay questions. The teacher (the one I had offended) gave us a list of ten possible essay questions and of those he would ask three. I figured I’d study the night before the exam but when I opened this up to look at it I realized the first question was about something we had never discussed in class. It was a question that the textbook spent an entire chapter on. It would take me two hours to prepare an answer for this. That made me angry, but I decided to set it aside and look at the second question.
Same thing, we never discussed it, and it covered an entire chapter in our textbook. Now I am angry and I ask “what questions here are about what we did discuss?” There were three! I had learned over the last three years that any question that my teachers in NY asked on a test would be something they covered in class. I decided to gamble that the same was true in England. So I spent six hours preparing those three questions. The next day on the exam he asked the three questions I had prepared and I crushed that exam. I was a top student, had always done well on exams, but there is no exam in all my high school career that I crushed better than that. It was like hitting a home run fifty feet over the wall. A few days later the teacher posted the grades and I had the lowest grade in the class, a 25. I had been one of the top three students in the class and I knew I had aced that test so I knew this was payback for offending this teacher earlier in the semester. I had already been accepted into Rice and they had told me it was conditional as long as my grades didn’t drop below a certain level. I did the math and this test was not going to hurt my grade enough, so in a few days I would be off to Rice and this exam score would be meaningless. So I could walk away no problem, but what if the point of this was to protect other kids from this teacher? If he does this to me does he do it to others also? On the one hand I didn’t want to get him fired, I didn’t want to be the jerk who comes from America, acts like a jerk, and then gets a teacher a lot of kids like fired (he was my brother’s favorite teacher). On the other hand I felt I had an obligation to do something. Then the Lord gave me a great solution -- let him decide. He was the Royal Air Force Captain, I had a button missing from my uniform. I decided that whatever he decides about that button will be what I decide to do about the exam. I went to him at lunch and he was trembling, he wouldn’t even look up at me. I realized he had given me the grade before he even read the exam. He knew it was indefensible and if I complained he would be fired. I asked about the button and he said “forget it”. So I forgot about the exam and went off to college happy.

Matthew 18:32 Then his lord called him unto him, and saith to him, Thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all that debt, because thou besoughtest me: 33 shouldest not thou also have had mercy on thy fellow-servant, even as I had mercy on thee? 34 And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due. 35 So shall also my heavenly Father do unto you, if ye forgive not every one his brother from your hearts.

Forty years later my older brother goes to England for a school reunion and this same teacher seeks him out to tell him what a stand up guy I am. Think about that! I was only at that school for one year, and forty years later he is looking for my brother, not even for me. It is hard to remember kids after the years. But I felt this was from the Lord to let me know that I had done the right thing. No doubt if I had been wrong he would have been fired at some point. Also, I learned how powerful is mercy.

James 2:12 So speak ye, and so do, as men that are to be judged by a law of liberty. 13 For judgment is without mercy to him that hath showed no mercy: mercy glorieth against judgment.

So then what was the big lesson? Those were all lessons, but not the big one. In college I was taking a religion class that surveyed the major doctrines in the Protestant church. We had this one question to summarize the theology of Calvin in 500 words or less. I took this class with a kid who was one of the very top students at Rice and Rice is composed of valedictorians. So this kid was meticulous. He had missed a few points on this question so he asked me what I had got and I told him I had gotten full credit. He wanted to look at what I had written, my answer was “God”. He was flabbergasted. I’ll never forget his look of disbelief. But when the professor had first started on Calvin he said “You can summarize Calvin’s theology in one word, God”. This was the lesson I had learned in high school, pay careful attention when they speak and I could replay every word verbatim. That was the big lesson. God was there to help me every step of the way and to lead me into many insights.

John 1:3 All things were made through him; and without him was not anything made that hath been made.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020

One thing he mentions in this video is how many crazy and obscure theories there are on the rapture on Youtube. On this blog I try to only post links that I consider to be Biblical. There are people who are teaching the word that have a different interpretation than I do, this brother has a different interpretation than I do concerning Pentecost. My standard is not whether or not they agree with me, but rather are they teaching the Bible and offering insight into the Bible.

Also, just because I give a link from one video does not mean I have listened to every single video they have made.

My point is I have tried to filter out a whole lot of stuff that is a waste of time while not filtering out people who might have light that I don't have or see something that I have not seen. This blog should not be seen as the comprehensive final word on this subject. However, it is my hope that all 4,792 posts would not be a waste of your time, they would feed you, edify you, give you light, life, salt, whatever it is you need. Also, I will check about 12-20 other sites regularly and about 10 sites daily. Each of these people is also seeing what 10-20 others are posting or have taught. Several of these brothers like DTBM and Chuck Missler appear to have seminary training or a very fundamental training, while others like Pastor Sandy have been told specifically by the Lord that if they study Hebrew the Lord would teach him the Bible. Some like Dr. Barry Awe and Vicky Goforth Parnell are laity and still others like Ken Potter and Prophecy Club are survey sites that are gathering posts from a wide variety of people. Dana Coverstone is an ordained pastor but I don't post his messages, only his dreams. Still others like Return of the King seem to be youth leaders. People with a training from the seminary are very valuable because they provide a foundation that has been gathered over 2,000 years. However, they may have biases from seminary and fear to teach certain things. The other thing I would point out is that Joel makes it clear to expect dreams and visions at the end of the age. I post these as evidence as well as for insight. Then I post information about current events from Steve Fletcher and other sites that document the shaking of the Earth and the raging of the sea. Since people argue that no single tornado or hurricane or drought or flood is evidence of anything I have compiled many, many events so that the sum total of them would be seen as evidence. None of these sites are "perfect". I love when DTBM teaches history or Pastor Sandy teaches Hebrew or Dr. Barry teaches the calendar, or Prophecy club gives us the last 50 years of prophecies, dreams and visions that are relevant. Steve Fletcher is amazing with some of the things he has, yet I probably filter out about 2/3 of his posts. There are other sites like God a Minute which I think are great, but for the most part not something I would post here. God's roadmap to the End is a site I check regularly, but he is one of those sites that treats I Pet Goat as being prophetic. I can definitely see the significance of that work and can see it is certainly a FreeMason document. So I have no issue with him quoting it or referencing it. However, if the rails that his message is running on is not the word of God I won't share that link.

I hope this gives some insight into why some sites are linked here and others aren't and why some of their videos are linked and not others.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020

You already know the year. You already know the season. Right now we have a job to do to bring in the harvest. Only after that can we have the wedding.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
There is only one thing you need to believe

It doesn’t matter if you believe that Israel being returned to the Jews was a fulfillment of Bible prophecies, not just to the year that it happened but to the day. It doesn’t matter if you understand that the Bible prophesied about this Covid pandemic, or that it is a bioweapon released by Satanists looking to take over the world and that the goal was to get you to take their vaccine which is not a vaccine but a shot designed to give you immune deficiency syndrome, not by giving you HIV but by giving you spike proteins. You can think that saying the pandemic was a bioweapon is tin foil hat stuff. You don't have to believe that the purpose for social distancing of six feet was not to protect health but rather to destroy the middle class and democracy. It doesn’t matter if you still think that masks are somehow able to protect you from getting the virus. It doesn’t matter if you see the BLM protests as a fulfillment of prophesy, the sign of Jonah (you might not even know that Jonah held street protests in Nineveh over their past history of enslaving Israelis). It doesn’t matter if you didn’t know that the Stop the Steal rallies were also foreshadowed in the book of Esther. Maybe you are skeptical of the sign of the 7 cows which said we would have seven years of famine beginning in the fall of 2021. Maybe you are skeptical of dreams and visions like Ken Peters dream in 1980 that prior to the tribulation beginning there is a trucker protest, followed by the rapture and then the tribulation. That is fine, you can reject all that stuff. We were told in the book of Joel that there would be dreams and visions before the great and notable day. There were no dreams and visions before Y2K, that was media hype. But if there were no dreams and visions now like those of Dana Coverstone or those on Prophecy Club you would have to ask yourself why. Maybe you are not interested in the signs in the heavens, especially the Revelation 12 sign. To some people that was astounding, others don’t pay any attention. Again, not a hill worth dying on. Maybe you are not worried about the invasion of Ukraine and don’t think it will lead to a fulfillment of the prophecies in Daniel and Ezekiel 38. That is OK. Maybe you have seen the news about using blood from young rats to renew the health of old rats, or that a company for three years was selling blood donated from young healthy people to rejuvenate the rich elderly. OK, it is one more tin foil hat conspiracy theory that bites the dust. The idea that the elite are using the blood of children to lengthen their lives, used to be an absurd theory made even creepier by 840,000 children going missing every year in the US. OK, it isn’t an absurd theory anymore but that doesn’t mean you have to worry about it. Likewise with all the kooks talking about UFOs. Fair enough, that also has been confirmed to be true, but does that mean you need to believe that this is the great delusion that God is going to send at the end of the age? No, you can be as skeptical as you want.

You don’t need to like Trump, for all I care you can go get a Biden in 2024 shirt. You don’t have to believe the evidence presented in the Movies “Absolute Proof”, “Rigged” and “2,000 Mules”. This is your prerogative. You can ignore the warnings about the suitcase nukes that are going to go off in NYC, Boston, Washington DC, Miami, Houston, LA, and a few other major cities.

Whether or not you want to believe those things has nothing to do with eternal salvation. However, the one thing you must believe is that Jesus is the crucified and resurrected Lord who is coming again.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020

23 Countries setting up a system to bypass the dollar.

Plan is to

1. Disarm America
2. Crash the dollar
3. Shut down food production
4. Bring War to the US
5. Shut down truckers (delivery of items)


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Exodus 19:14-20 That which has been is that which shall be

14 And Moses went down from the mount unto the people, and sanctified the people; and they washed their clothes. 15 And he said unto the people, Be ready against the third day: come not at your wives. 16 And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud; so that all the people that was in the camp trembled. 17 And Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God; and they stood at the nether part of the mount. 18 And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly. 19 And when the voice of the trumpet sounded long, and waxed louder and louder, Moses spake, and God answered him by a voice. 20 And the Lord came down upon mount Sinai, on the top of the mount: and the Lord called Moses up to the top of the mount; and Moses went up.

This is a beautiful depiction of the rapture. The Lord descends in the clouds at the voice of the Trumpet of God and the Lord (Moses) leads the people out (carries them forth, raptures them). The Lord called Moses up. At the beginning of the age Jesus was called up, at the end of the age all the raptured saints will be called up.

1Corinthians 10:16 The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not a communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not a communion of the body of Christ? 17 seeing that we, who are many, are one bread, one body: for we all partake of the one bread.

This is what we have been doing for 2,000 years. We have become “one bread, one body”. On Shavuot you present two loaves (the Jews and Gentiles have become one sacrifice, or they represent the dead in Christ and those who remain). By partaking of the Lord we have become one with Him. When Moses is called up He is a type of Christ and if we have become the body of Christ we are included in that.

Ecclesiastes 3:15 That which is hath been long ago; and that which is to be hath long ago been: and God seeketh again that which is passed away.

Paul said that he had been crucified with Christ and if we are in the likeness of His death we will also be in the likeness of His resurrection. Well, the Lord ascended, why wouldn’t we ascend with Christ if we have been in the likeness of His death wouldn’t we also be in the likeness of His ascension? The Lord was the incarnated word. He manifested the word. He made the word real to us. If we have been communing on the body and blood of Jesus for 2,000 years then we will be filled with this word and express this word. Jesus was the valedictorian, the one with the most honorable word. But that is what we see in the age of grace. Read the biographies and what do you see? Each one had a word from God manifested in their lives. They lived by faith in that word, not by sight.

We need to be sanctified in the word of God

21 And the Lord said unto Moses, Go down, charge the people, lest they break through unto the Lord to gaze, and many of them perish. 22 And let the priests also, which come near to the Lord, sanctify themselves, lest the Lord break forth upon them. 23 And Moses said unto the Lord, The people cannot come up to mount Sinai: for thou chargedst us, saying, Set bounds about the mount, and sanctify it. 24 And the Lord said unto him, Away, get thee down, and thou shalt come up, thou, and Aaron with thee: but let not the priests and the people break through to come up unto the Lord, lest he break forth upon them. 25 So Moses went down unto the people, and spake unto them.

If you have not been sanctified by the washing of water in the word, then you will be left behind. However, it also tells you what you need to do over the next 3 ½ years. Read the word, pray over the word, fellowship with other believers concerning the word, sing psalms and hymns to the Lord, read spiritual books. What you are lacking and what you need is to be sanctified, and that happens when we are washed by the water in the word.

The apostasy is people leaving the word of God, saying that it no longer applies, deciding what to listen to and what to ignore. Paul makes it clear there must be an apostasy so that you can see those who have been approved by God.

1Corinthians 11:19 For there must be also factions among you, that they that are approved may be made manifest among you.