tinytom.....tisk, tisk....what shallow advice you dish out. Oops...I did not mean 'advice", I mean 'opinionated garbage".
Being a homosexual is not a sin, just as being a heterosexual is not a sin, and it's not our place to judge others, unless they claim Christianity. (Direct quote from YOU).
We're so glad that you are not licensed to be a CHRISTIAN counselor, pastor, or Christian group leader in any form or fashion. That kind of ideology does not guide anyone to CHRIST. It gives them incentive and fuel to continue in their filthy lifestyle and same sex marriages. We are not the judges anyway...Christian or not...but to proclaim such false doctrine and then believe that you just offered sound advice to someone who really needs direction and answers to such an important issue....is a slap in the face to JESUS CHRIST Himself. Sorry to burst your bubble...but apparently, your BIBLICAL knowledge and forte' is lacking or next to zero when it comes to such matters. Yes, I too have a lesbian niece who has made her choice, made her bed and is sleeping in it. NO..I do not 'kiss her off" my DNA list...but..let's be brutally honest..she needs a total DELIVERANCE from this demonic obsession....and it is totally her choice, not mine. But for me to tell her that it is NOT a sin.....wow...it would have to make me wonder if I really am a true CHRISTIAN, filled with the Holy Spirit and guided by the Holy Spirit. So...I am asking you..."Why, in heaven's name, are you spreading this ugly lie?
Being a homosexual is not a sin, just as being a heterosexual is not a sin, and it's not our place to judge others, unless they claim Christianity. (Direct quote from YOU).
We're so glad that you are not licensed to be a CHRISTIAN counselor, pastor, or Christian group leader in any form or fashion. That kind of ideology does not guide anyone to CHRIST. It gives them incentive and fuel to continue in their filthy lifestyle and same sex marriages. We are not the judges anyway...Christian or not...but to proclaim such false doctrine and then believe that you just offered sound advice to someone who really needs direction and answers to such an important issue....is a slap in the face to JESUS CHRIST Himself. Sorry to burst your bubble...but apparently, your BIBLICAL knowledge and forte' is lacking or next to zero when it comes to such matters. Yes, I too have a lesbian niece who has made her choice, made her bed and is sleeping in it. NO..I do not 'kiss her off" my DNA list...but..let's be brutally honest..she needs a total DELIVERANCE from this demonic obsession....and it is totally her choice, not mine. But for me to tell her that it is NOT a sin.....wow...it would have to make me wonder if I really am a true CHRISTIAN, filled with the Holy Spirit and guided by the Holy Spirit. So...I am asking you..."Why, in heaven's name, are you spreading this ugly lie?