Okay everybody, I'm just curious, but why do women find "50 Shades of Grey" to be so "Liberating" (both intellectually and sexually)? Somebody mentioned this on this thread. Seriously, when I think of the word "Liberating" I think about having the freedom to choose what I will do and having free choice and consequence/responsibility over my life.
But "50 Shades" is about a man ruling over and abusing a woman. Let it simply be asked, what is so "liberating" and "freeing" about a man controling every aspect about a girls life as she is being abused? Wouldn't a woman find it more "liberating" to be allowed free choice in matters of sex and romance? I would think so, but this is just from my perspective.
If your vision of freedom is having a man dominate and abuse you in a harmful way while sexually using you for his pleasure, then you as a woman (if you are one) need to take a good strong look at your faith and re-evaluate your worth! Wake up, girl! ...Jesus died for YOU! Does he want you to be abused and controlled by an egotistical unloving man? I don't think so, and neither does Jesus. I submit to you that you are worth more than that, and that you'd be better off single than in that situation!
Please, get a new view of liberty if 50 Shades is currently your definition of the word! You can be sexually "Liberated" within the sanctity of marriage with your husband. That's what he's there for, if you didn't already read that in scripture (which you should have! But please choose Jesus above sin, though, please. It is better than somebody telling you that you are property to be used...
You are a daughter of Christ. Act like it!

There is absolutely, positively NOTHING Liberating about "50 Shades of Grey". Nothing. Period.