I'll tell you how you can get rid of atheism and any other religion in one go... Present some evidence. That's all you need to do!
You should think about it this way, say there is a God who created you, and holds absolute power over you. And He tells you that you have already sinned against Him, and like He said, sin leads to complete and utter destruction. But He tells you that He does in fact love you and desires you, and His will truly is that none of His creations should perish, and out of His love He gives you a way out of death, He comes in the flesh to pay the price for you, as a sign of His eternal promise, believe in His love and He will forgive you and show you the way that you not perish. All you have to do is follow Him. he gives you the guidline for hope. Consider this as true, and think about what you said. With the gift He just gave you, not because you deserve it, but because He loved you. And you are telling Him He must fulfill your demands in order to accept His mercy. There actually are people out there who have experienced Him, people who have seen and can tell you without a doubt He exists. But those people had already opened up to Him and sought Him. You are telling Him He must do what you demand in order to accept the love He offers you out of love alone. Do you really believe He will show you?
Anywho, Christians dont need to get rid of atheists. God has rebels, He has them with both His angels, and with His humans. He is working to find those who will follow Him, and not rebel against Him. He never tasked us to "kill the non believers", He told us to endure this world with faith in Him
We are told this world is wicked and rebellious, and, sadly, most of our people will chose earthly things over Him.