I fully 100% agree Old Covenant law mandates the death penalty. I disagree with this article in that the writer doesn't believe Christ sets a new mandate about the death penalty. He clearly stopped it, yes to show the hypocrisy of the pharisees, but more importantly, because he taught love, mercy, and compassion.
If you recall, for any sin committed in the Old Covenant, blood must be shed; be it animal or your own. This is the new standard:
Matthew 9:13 But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice [blood atonement].' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."
Kim look up, your thought provoking thread on this board has rendered a verdict as to now that majority believe that capital punishment is not okay.
Loud voices does not substitute Christ centered teaching.
I am new here and have spent the last part of my evening reading this thread, and I honestly am quite impressed by your commitment, your humility in light of the fire you have been under and your intellectual stand on the matter.
The conversation takes on another angle when you take in cultural differences. Which was obvious to me when posters starting defending the American Judicial system and accusing you of not understanding the process. Somehow it turned into an American versus 'others' thread.
I don't think that was ever your intention but rather an honest look at capital punishment and the consequences of a flawed system, ergo the state sanctioned killing of innocents.
In saying that I don't think by the very nature of 'law' that it can be one way or the other.
Either capital punshiment is a policy of a nation or it's not.
There is no middle ground. As you have so eloquently stated the process can be flawed and is flawed, not theoretically but empirically.
The argument realistically can't remain that state sanctioned murder is sometimes okay but spare the questionable innocents to a bolder statement which I am asserting that state sanctioned capital punshiment is never okay.
Another bold stance I will take is look at the demographics of your supporters and critics.
By far and large those that support the death penalty are American. Kudos to those from the US that do not fit that mound, I in no way want to minimalise your input but countries like Australia, England, and Europe do not practise state sanctioned murder so there is no inbuilt need to defend its practise. When a nation commonly and regularly takes part in an action a subsequent result is the public must agree or condone that action. They were born into the culture, they have been successfully ingrained to believe it's necessary otherwise it could not be so widely accepted.
A useful tactic is this notion of being opposed to capital punishment is humanist in nature which seems to be a US tactic and if you believe otherwise or you are a leftard socialist. That amounts to nothing but useful manipulation of a culture.
In many countries like Australia, England and Europe both our political sides are against capital punishment, liberal and conservative alike. It is a unified stance.
Its not okay.
I base my opinion purely on a scriptural and Godly perspective.
Scripture can be manipulated to suit anyone's agenda, history is testament to that but I focus on the teachings of Jesus.
As you asked how does the new covenant address the old.
Jesus made that clear, legality pales in comparison to the revelation of Christ.
That is why He turned the religious elite and scholars and pious on their heads because he brought a revelation that was shocking, and totally went against the trend. That was why they hated him.
How dare He teach compassion over the law.
Who the heck is He to eat with sinners and call them His friends.
Perfection and humility encompassed in Jesus that dined with tax collectors and prostitutes.
That is Jesus.
How scandalous when he said that it was said eye for an eye but I tell you if someone slaps you on the right cheek let them slap you on the left.
How scandalous when Jesus said 'forgive them Father for they know what not they do'
How scandalous when Jesus taught by parable the story of the Good Samaritan.
Samaritans were the wicked by Jewsish standards, Loose morals and not followers of the law. As the man layed beaten and broken on the road the religious elite ignored him, the priest and the Levite walked on by.
The least, the most religiously barren was the one man who not only helped him initially but paid for his keep but was concerned for his welfare.
My point religious piety gets you no where.
A heart for Christ, centered on compassion and love is where the fundamental teaching of Christ dwells.