Sheri: God will bring you a strong mentor, in His way and in His time. My mentor, Debbie, is the wife of a pastor. When we met, she was just a talented artist in my eyes. It wasn't for a year or so that we really bonded, and now, I can't imagine life without her or her husband.
Sometimes, God's ways are so amazing I can't even believe things like this happen.
I'm so, so glad that you're reaching out instead of dealing with this alone!
I was listening to a pastor talking about the armor of God the other day. He was talking about the shield, specifically. Since Paul was in prison during this letter, chained to a Roman soldier, he'd have been looking right at a Roman soldier's shield. See, their shields were made of layers and layers of leather, and they had to be oiled daily to keep them pliable and strong, instead of weak and brittle. The shields were about the size of a door, and in battle, the soldiers would make a sort of wall out of their shields by holding them side-to-side. This would keep everyone safe.
The pastor was talking about how applicable this is for a Christian's walk: Oiling and cleaning the shield daily (prayer and time in the Word), and coming together with other soldiers (other believers in the one true God) when we're under attack.
Keep it up, Sheri! You're going to get through this!!!
Sometimes, God's ways are so amazing I can't even believe things like this happen.
I was listening to a pastor talking about the armor of God the other day. He was talking about the shield, specifically. Since Paul was in prison during this letter, chained to a Roman soldier, he'd have been looking right at a Roman soldier's shield. See, their shields were made of layers and layers of leather, and they had to be oiled daily to keep them pliable and strong, instead of weak and brittle. The shields were about the size of a door, and in battle, the soldiers would make a sort of wall out of their shields by holding them side-to-side. This would keep everyone safe.
The pastor was talking about how applicable this is for a Christian's walk: Oiling and cleaning the shield daily (prayer and time in the Word), and coming together with other soldiers (other believers in the one true God) when we're under attack.
Keep it up, Sheri! You're going to get through this!!!